默认情况下,选择磁贴后通常会转到用于创建此磁贴的报表,或转到 Power BI 问答(如果磁贴是在 Power BI 问答中创建的话)。 向磁贴添加自定义链接,以链接到网页、同一工作区中的另一个仪表板或报表、SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 报表或其他联机内容。
你已经阅读了 Power BI 中的仪表板简介,并且现在想要创建你自己的仪表板。 创建仪表板有多种方法。 例如,可以从报表、从头开始、从语义模型或通过复制现有仪表板来创建仪表板。 在本文中,你将创建一个快速简单的仪表板,用于固定现有报表中的可视化效果。
你已经阅读了 Power BI 中的仪表板简介,并且现在想要创建你自己的仪表板。 创建仪表板有多种方法。 例如,可以从报表、从头开始、从语义模型或通过复制现有仪表板来创建仪表板。 在本文中,你将创建一个快速简单的仪表板,用于固定现有报表中的可视化效果。
Learn about what is Power BI dashboard, how to create a dashboard in Power BI, Why use Power BI, advantages, applications, and Power BI dashboard vs results.
Embed Power BI tiles in your canvas app By embedding a Power BI tile in a Power Apps app, you're able to bring valuable visualizations into the app to allow the user to consume that data within the context of the app. Embed a canvas app in a Power BI dashboard ...
Embed Power BI tiles in your canvas app By embedding a Power BI tile in a Power Apps app, you're able to bring valuable visualizations into the app to allow the user to consume that data within the context of the app. Embed a canvas app in a Power BI dashboard ...
Tile címkéjű bejegyzések Power BI Service March Update Announcements március 11, 2016készítette:Amanda Cofsky It’s already March, which means we are starting the final countdown to the Microsoft Data Insights Summit on March 22nd and 23rd! We’re all very excited here on the Power ...
Here are just a few Power BI map examples. Shape map The shape map is a very basic map you can create in Power BI. The main purpose of a shape map is to compare regions by assigning different colors. Regions with higher values would show a more saturated color. This is one of the ...
Tile-It is a single visualization on a dashboard or in a report. Example:Bar chart in report or dashboard. 8. What do you mean by Power Query in Power BI? Power query is anETL toolthat is used for cleaning, shaping, and transforming of the data with the help of various intuitive ...
On the Power BI Customer Advisory Team (PBICAT), we see a lot of questions about the roadmap for Power BI and other related technologies. Often, the answers can be found in the Release Notes. While the layout of the Release Notes is somewhat intuitive, it can still be daunting for folk...