Once you create a report using the push semantic model, you can pin any of the report visuals to a dashboard. On that dashboard, visuals update in real time whenever the data is updated. Within the Power BI service, the dashboard triggers a tile refresh every time new data is received...
Add a reference layer Add a tile layer Add a filled map On-object interaction Show real-time traffic Power BI Azure Maps Visual Data Residency Manage access Use Azure Maps in Power Apps Use your own data storage Provide data feedback Show right attribution Reference Resources Sækja PDF Lea...
Add an image, video, or other tile Add an image Add a text box or dashboard heading Add a video Show 5 more APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceBy adding a tile to your dashboard, you can place an image, text box, video, streaming data, or web code on your dash...
Add an image, video, or other tile Add an image Add a text box or dashboard heading Add a video Show 5 more APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceBy adding a tile to your dashboard, you can place an image, text box, video, streaming data, or web code on your dash...
默认情况下,选择磁贴后通常会转到用于创建此磁贴的报表,或转到 Power BI 问答(如果磁贴是在 Power BI 问答中创建的话)。 向磁贴添加自定义链接,以链接到网页、同一工作区中的另一个仪表板或报表、SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) 报表或其他联机内容。
APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI serviceBy adding a tile to your dashboard, you can place an image, text box, video, streaming data, or web code on your dashboard.Add an image, video, or other tileYou can add an image, text box, video, streaming data, or web code directly ...
Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools A map is a collection of layers. When you add a map to a paginated report, you define the first layer. You can create more layers by using the map layer wizard. The easiest way...
Create a tile container Change the tile navigation strip Add visualizations to the tile container Synchronize axes in a tile container Tiles in the Power BI app See Also Create a tile container Drag the field you want to use as your tile from the Field List and drop it in theTile bybox....
Create a tile container Change the tile navigation strip Add visualizations to the tile container Synchronize axes in a tile container Tiles in the Power BI app See Also Create a tile container Drag the field you want to use as your tile from the Field List and drop it in theTile bybox....
Add visualizations to the tile container Before adding more visualizations, you may want to drag the edge of the tile container to make it bigger. Click the blank area inside the container and then select fields for the visualization. Remember you create a table and convert into another visualiz...