If you would like to filter with multiple values in PBI Desktop below is the dax function you can use it and drag that measure into the visual filter, page filter, or report filter depending on your requirement. =If (selectedvalue(tablename[columnname]) in {"value1","value2"} , 1, ...
FILTER( ALL('Sales'), Sales[ProductID] = "X" ), VALUES(Sales[CustomerID])...
Power BI DAX filter based on the measure Power BI DAX filter multiple values Power BI DAX filter based on the slicer Power BI DAX filter string contains Power BI DAX filter search Power BI DAX filter distinct Power BI DAX filter true false ...
Power BI Measure If Multiple Conditions Let us see how we can display the values of multiple conditions using thePower BI MeasurePower BI. In this example, we will use theStocks table dataas a data source and filter values using the multiple if conditions with different values in Power BI. ...
確認圓形卡片視覺效果會顯示 [measure] 量值量值 欄位,並使用 [顯示資料檢視] 選項來檢閱您做出的變更。在Power BI 服務中,開啟 Power BI US Sales Analysis (Power BI 美國銷售分析) 報表。 如果您是使用不同的報表來開發圓形卡片視覺效果,請瀏覽到該報表。 請注意,圓形卡片視覺效果現在可以使用標題為 [M...
Power BI Desktop 中显示隐藏的度量值并且可供使用,但 Excel 或 Power BI 服务中不显示隐藏的度量值,因为 Excel 和 Power BI 服务被视为客户端工具。 动态格式字符串 使用动态格式字符串,可以借助单独的 DAX 表达式有条件地应用格式字符串,从而自定义度量值在视觉对象中的显示方式。 要了解详细信息,请参阅动态格...
加入PowerBI自己学 知识星球:下载源文件,边学边练;遇到问题,还可以提问交流。 从业务角度理解 管理大师德鲁克说过,You can’t manage what you don’t measure,一件事情不可衡量,你就不可能管理和追踪它。 Measure在这里是动词,是度量、衡量的意思。度量值就是用的这个Measure的名词形式,指的是用来度量和衡量...
(previously Power BI dataset) that defines the mapping between recipients and respective filter values. When it’s time to send out the report, the latest data available in your semantic model will determine which employees should receive a report in their inbox, and with what filter values ...
LINK:https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/power-bi-visuals/pbicraft1694192953706.imagegallery?tab=Overview Horizontal Bar Chart A space-saving horizontal bar chart designed with category labels placed inside the bars for clarity This horizontal bar chart serves as an efficient filter to navi...
On the value axis (usually the y axis), axis intervals provide a consistent measure of the data points on the chart.But on the category axis (usually the x axis), sometimes an automatic axis interval results in categories without axis labels. You can specify the number of intervals you ...