Power BI Filter a measure 08-15-2022 08:12 AM I am trying to filter a calculated field using a measure field as the filter field. When I filter against a static number it works. when I change it to a dynamic filter it gets an error. This is my static calculate Prior YTD Pr...
尽管这听起来颇具挑战性,但通过Power BI的DAX语言中强大的CALCULATE函数,这种高级分析不仅可能,而且相对...
Filter measure in Power BI 12-07-2022 01:58 AM Hi, I would like to ask how I could filter measure that it will be less 30. Like calculate(a, filter(b<30)) in visual. How I could implement this? Labels: Need Help Message 1 of 2 253 Views 0 Reply All forum topics ...
[Measure] FILTER(ALL(Table), Condition) ) 遇到计算列返回意外结果时,要特别注意是否缺少必要的上下文转换函数。有时候在FILTER中嵌套EARLIER函数能解决多层嵌套时的上下文继承问题。 六、 在最近六个项目的实践中,我发现FILTER函数真正的威力在于构建动态警报机制。例如某奢侈品牌用它与DATEADD构成移动时间窗口,当某区...
PowerBI实用技巧:案例七(动态展示指标值) 励志要搬砖的丸子今天又来分享实用干货了,请大家搬好小板凳坐起来围观!!! 重要DAX:SELECTEDVALUE 动态展示效果如下: 上实现步骤: 首先创建一个TYPE维度表(选择筛选的指标值,如上图MeasureFilter) 干货DAX: DAX函数十大分类及示例 子...
Hello Everyone, Suppose we have a table and subcategory names, and let's say a measure [total sales] and in the subcategory name filter we have TOP N
Use a filter in a measure dax 04-27-2022 08:18 AM Hello, I need some help with a DAX statement for a measure. I created the below statement for a matrix table and it works fine to display the the subtotals of several categories in %. It shows the subtotal per category add...
It is even possible to construct the filter URL dynamically in a Power BI solution by using a DAX measure, as in the screenshot below. This DAX expression checks if the user applied a filter on the Store/Territory column, such as by using a slicer, and generates the filter URL using th...
This month’s release also has some updates to our newest features, such as a icon set picker for our newly added icons conditional formatting and measure support for key influencers. » Διαβάστεπερισσότερα Announcing the New Filter Experience for Power BI ...
在DAX BI Desktop Learn Power 中使用 path 使用Copilot 撰寫 DAX 查詢 Sample 模型 最佳作法 瞭解ORDERBY、PARTITIONBY、and、MATCHBY 功能 適當使用 error 函式 避免將 BLANK 轉換成 values 避免使用 FILTER 作為 filter 自變數 欄位andmeasure 參考 DIVIDE 函式與 divide 運算符 (/) 使用SELECTEDVALUE,而不...