If you use the TDS endpoint with Direct Query, then the Dataverse security model is applied to data in Power BI. Alerts Power BI can generate alerts from three visuals: gauge, card, and analytics on a Power BI dashboard. In Power BI service, a rule is added that specifies the threshold...
你选择Anonymous是因为关键短语提取功能使用你的访问密钥对请求进行验证,这样 Power BI 便不需要为 HTTP 请求自身提供凭据。 如果在选择匿名访问后仍看到“编辑凭据”横幅,则可能是忘记将语言资源密钥粘贴到KeyPhrases自定义函数的代码中。 接下来可能会出现一个横幅,要求你提供有关数据源隐私的...
If 運算式 if運算式會根據邏輯條件,在兩個運算式之間進行選取。 例如: powerquery-m if 2 > 1 then 2 + 2 else 1 + 1 若邏輯運算式 (2 + 2) 為 true,會選取第一個運算式 (2 > 1);而若為 false,則會選取第二個運算式 (1 + 1)。 選取的運算式 (在此例中為2 + 2) 會進行評估,並會得...
We often hear that end-users want to act on the insights they find when exploring a Power BI report. And many times, the action happens outside of the product (e.g. send a note, create a task, copy the data). Additionally, creators want built-in automation for their users but need ...
You could alreadyask questions about the data present in the visuals on your report pages– and now you can go deeper by getting answers directly from the underlying model. Just ask questions about your data, and if the answer isn’t already on your report, Copilot will then query your mo...
Your data contains positive, negative, and zero (0) values. You want to compare the data for numerous categories. The axis labels are long. In Power View, you have three bar chart subtypes to choose from: stacked, 100% stacked, and clustered. ...
let Sales = [ Revenue = 2000, Units = 1000, UnitPrice = if Units = 0 then error "No Units" else Revenue / Units ], UnitPrice = try Number.ToText(Sales[UnitPrice]) in "Unit Price: " & (if UnitPrice[HasError] then UnitPrice[Error][Message] else UnitPrice[Value]) ...
Null, empty, negative, and zero values have no effect when calculating ratios. For this reason, these values are not shown on a pie chart. If you want to visually indicate these types of values on your chart, change the chart type to be something other than a pie chart. ...
若要開始使用,請開啟 Power BI Desktop 並載入您從必要條件下載的時間序列資料。 此 Excel 檔案包含一系列的國際標準時間 (UTC) 時間戳記和值組。注意 Power BI 可以使用各種來源的資料,例如 .csv 檔案、SQL 資料庫、Azure Blob 儲存體等等。在Power BI Desktop 主視窗中,選取 [常用] 功能...
Select Access Control (IAM), and then choose the Add button. Select Reader as the Role. Then choose the Power BI user to whom you wish to grant access to the Azure Machine Learning model. Select Save. Repeat steps three through six to grant Reader access to the user for the specific ma...