Power BI是一款由微软开发的商业智能工具,用于数据分析和可视化。它提供了丰富的功能和工具,可以帮助用户从各种数据源中提取、转换和加载数据,并通过创建交互式报表、仪表盘和数据可视化来展示数据。 IF语句是Power BI中的一种条件语句,用于根据特定条件的真假来执行不同的操作。IF语句可以包含多个OR和AND语句,用于构建...
在Power BI中,可以使用IF THEN函数对多个查询进行处理。IF THEN函数是一种条件语句,根据给定的条件返回不同的结果。 要在Power BI中对多个查询使用IF THEN函数,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 打开Power BI Desktop,并导入需要处理的数据源。 在“查询编辑器”中,选择要应用IF THEN函数的查询。 在“开始”...
if not([Hrs] > 8) then 0 else [Hrs] - 8 在输入【自定义列】公式时,请记住如下几点。 使用Power Query 的逻辑函数的关键是记住将它们完整地拼写出来,并确保函数名保持小写。 可以使用 Enter 键将公式分隔为多行。 双击【可用列】区域中的列名,将列注入公式,并确保其语法正确。 按Esc 将关闭 Intelli...
If you use the TDS endpoint with Direct Query, then the Dataverse security model is applied to data in Power BI. Alerts Power BI can generate alerts from three visuals: gauge, card, and analytics on a Power BI dashboard. In Power BI service, a rule is added that specifies the threshold...
corresponds to the previous Format dropdown will be pre-populated to get you started, but you can also delete it and use whatever DAX expression you want for your dynamic format string. Here it’s looking up the string from ‘Currency’[Currency Format], and if that is ambiguous, then ...
当视觉对象具有层次结构时,你可以允许用户使用 Power BI 向下钻取功能显示更多详细信息。 阅读有关 Power BI 向下钻取功能的详细信息:Power BI 服务中的钻取模式。 要支持视觉对象动态启用或禁用钻取功能,请参阅动态向下钻取控件。 在视觉对象中启用向下钻取支持 ...
If you select Upload instead of Link to file, the Power BI service uploads the entire Excel workbook. You can then open and edit the workbook in Excel Online. In the Select a file dialog, browse to the location where you saved the Excel file on your computer. Select the file and choose...
“If the city temperature is greater than25, then Status column will containHigh, else the status column will containMedium.” You can add the new column in the above table using the following steps: Step 1:Copy the above table and paste it into a Power BI file as shown in the below ...
To download Power BI Desktop, go to the Power BI Desktop download page and select Download Free. Or for download options, select See download or language options.You can also download Power BI Desktop from the Power BI service. Select the Download icon in the top menu bar, and then select...