letCalendarType=typefunction(optional CalendarYearStartas(type number meta[Documentation.FieldCaption="开始年份,日期表从开始年份1月1日起。",Documentation.FieldDescription="日期表从开始年份1月1日起",Documentation.SampleValues={Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow())-1}// Previous Year]),optional CalendarYearEndas...
...WEEK_OF_MONTH 当前月中的星期数; WEEK_OF_YEAR 当前年中的星期数; 二、使用 1、获取当前时间的毫秒值 System.currentTimeMillis() long timeNow...SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd:HH-mm-ss"); String day = dateFormat.format(date); System.out.println(day); 3、获取当前的日期...,yyyy表示当天...
Sales YTD = IF ( HASONEVALUE ( Calendar[Year] ), CALCULATE ( SUM ( FactSales[...
privatestaticintGetWeekOfYear(DateTime date) { //一.找到第一周的最后一天(先获取1月1日是星期几,从而得知第一周周末是几) intfirstWeekend = 7 - Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Parse(date.Year +"-1-1").DayOfWeek); //二.获取今天是一年当中的第几天 intcurrentDay = date.DayOfYear; //三.(今天 减...
Previous releases of Power BI Desktop are not being serviced - you should always use the most recent release for the latest features and updates. It might not be possible to open files created or saved in newer releases of Power BI Desktop with previous versions of Power BI Desktop. If you...
Current R runtime: R 4.3.3 R packages that are supported in Power BI (Premium/Fabric backed workspaces) The following packages are supported.[Download] (https://cran.r-project.org/): Expand table PackageVersion abc 2.2.1 abc.data 1.1 abind 1.4-5 acepack 1.4.2 actuar 3.3-4 ade4 1....
Earlier this year, we announced preview ofCopilot for all customers with Premium/Fabric capacity in Power BI web.We’re thrilled to share that the same Copilot experience for report creation is now available for preview in Power BI Desktop.With our current preview, users can create reports fas...
Welcome to the Power BI February 2024 update. We’ve got a lot of great features this month. Here are some key highlights: Visual calculations make it easier than ever to do calculations that were very hard or even impossible. The Power BI home provides
图5-将数据导入Power BI 导入数据后,我们可以可视化在Power BI中创建的表。 图6-可视化数据表 现在我们已经在Power BI中准备好了数据,下一步是继续创建创建用于存储StartOfWeek和StartOfCurrentWeek值的计算列。下面提供了DAX脚本。 StartOfWeek = DimDate [Date]-WEEKDAY(DimDate [Date],2)+ 1StartOfCurrentWee...
當您一開始使用Get 資料時,您選取的每個資料表集都會定義會傳回一組數據的查詢。 您可以先編輯這些查詢,再載入數據,例如套用篩選、匯總數據或聯結不同的數據表。 載入時,這些查詢定義的所有資料都會匯入 Power BI 快取。 在Power BI Desktop 中建立的視覺效果會查詢快取資料。 Power BI 存放區可確保查詢迅捷,且...