Create and work with dynamic M query parameters in Power BI Desktop for enhanced data filtering and performance optimization.
Power BI Power BI Embedded 17 Φεβρουαρίου, 2022 έως Jeroen ter Heerdt Welcome to the February 2022 update. We are thrilled to announce a variety of new and highly anticipated features such as new mobile formatting options, Dynamic M Query Parameters support for more dat...
For long time you have been asking for dynamic parameter binding in Power BI and we have been listening and discussing with Power BI team. We’re very happy...
Configuring query parametersThe mashup or M queries you create by using Power Query can vary in complexity from trivial steps to parameterized constructs. The following listing shows a small sample mashup query that uses two parameters called SchemaName and TableName to access a given table in an...
Configuring query parametersThe mashup or M queries you create by using Power Query can vary in complexity from trivial steps to parameterized constructs. The following listing shows a small sample mashup query that uses two parameters called SchemaName and TableName to access a given table in an...
Configuring query parametersThe mashup or M queries you create by using Power Query can vary in complexity from trivial steps to parameterized constructs. The following listing shows a small sample mashup query that uses two parameters called SchemaName and TableName to access a given table in an...
Composite models on Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services This month, we are adding support for Power BI datasets that have Dynamic M Query Parameters defined. Starting today, you can create a composite model on such datasets to enrich or extend them. With Dynamic M Query Parameters, you can... 6. 移动格式化选项支持视觉交互 在此版本中,将视觉交互支持扩展到了新的移动格式。现在,当您使用新的移动格式选项创建移动优化报告时,您的视觉交互设置将应用于移动布局以及在您的手机上查看报告时。
Using Query Parameters on top of SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking (DDM) Query Parameters in Power BI Template Requirements Just like thePart1 of Power BI Query Parameters, you require to meet the following requirements to be able to follow this post: ...
无论是否相信,现在已经重新创建了 Power Query 在单击【合并文件】按钮时生成的所有组件(只是还没有实际使用它们),如图17-8所示。 图17-8所有组件都已经成功创建 17.1.5 调用转换函数 现在是证明一切都已正确连接的时候了。 选择“Orders”查询,转到【主页】选项卡,选择【选择列】下的【选择列】勾选“Content”...