We always recommend that you use the most recent version of Power BI Desktop, rather than a previous version. All previous versions have the following limitations:Previous releases of Power BI Desktop are not being serviced - you should always use the most recent release for the latest features...
Refresh and dynamic data sources Configure scheduled refresh Show 6 more Power BI enables you to go from data to insight to action quickly, yet you must make sure the data in your Power BI reports and dashboards is recent. Knowing how to refresh the data is often critical in deliverin...
Announcements Features Power BI 8월 12, 2020 :Sujata Narayana We have exciting updates this month! The updates include support for Perspectives in Personalize visuals, rectangular select for data points, dynamic formatting support to more visuals, Direct Query support for Q&A, several new AppSourc...
直接查询法(DIRECT QUERY) 直接查询法只会加载表名,字段名,不会加载具体数据。PowerBI直接发送查询请求到数据源实时获取数据,性能受到数据源(如数据库服务器)影响。 优点 实时刷新。 适合分析大数据,因为数据计算是由数据源完成,而导入法只能分析1G的数据。 缺点 效率依赖于外部数据源性能。 无法跨库查询。 直接查询...
先通过transform data,到Power Query Editor部分。点中表名,得到这个表的操作步骤。如下图所示。 Advanced Editor ,得到如下代码: let Source = Sql.Database("http://asql-XXX-XXX-XX-XXX.database.windows.net", "XXX-manager"), insights_reporting_bi_v_kpi_threshold_target = Source{[Schema="insights...
Direct Query是Power BI桌面中的一种数据连接模式,它允许用户直接查询源数据,而不需要将数据加载到Power BI模型中。使用Direct Query,用户可以实时查询和分析大型数据集,而无需等待数据加载和刷新。 Direct Query的优势包括: 实时数据分析:使用Direct Query可以实时查询和分析源数据,确保分析结果的及时性和准确性。
Power BI Desktop splash screen. The personalization of visuals is now generally available and we are introducing dynamic M query parameters in preview. On the mobile side, we are (amongst others) adding support for notch displays and on the Service, we have some updates about the ‘new look...
currently this works fine when refreshing over power bi desktop but its a limitation on the power bi service that give a SSO authentication error and doesnt allow to refresh (this its actually a noted limitation on power bi dataset direct query. ...
Power BI Desktop Power BI 服务 你可以将语义模型导入 Power BI,也可以与它们建立实时连接。 实时连接语义模型通常位于本地,使用网关进行管理。 使用实时查询来回发送数据和查询。 要使用通过网关访问的语义模型中的问答,首先需要启用它们。 备注 实时连接还支持 Azure Analysis Services 数据集,而它不需要网关。
Per the June 2021 Power BI it appears that formatting of measures should flow through to local models when using direct query against a Power BI data set. Unfortunately, I am not seeing this behavior in my local model that has a direct query against one Power BI data set. I see the opt...