I was trying to join two tables together via a relationship but there is an issue I have ... following steps, How can I create a unique relationship
建立关系也非常简单,将一个字段拖到另一个字段的时候就可以创建关系了。 但是在尝试创建关系的时候往往会碰到这样的报错信息:`you can't create a relationship between these two colums because one of the columns must have unique values` 。从报错信息中已经看出来问题出在两个字段都包含重复数值。建立关系有...
Dragging the key column from one table to the other results in a message saying: “You can’t create a relationship between these two columns because one of the columns must have unique values.” The cause is simple: Power BI can only create relationships be...
At least one table in a relationship must have a distinct, unique list of key values, which is a common requirement for all relational database technologies.If you encounter that error, there are a couple ways to fix the issue:Use Remove Duplicates to create a column with unique values. ...
This article targets you as a data modeler who works with Power BI Desktop. It provides you with guidance on working with one-to-one model relationships. A one-to-one relationship can be created when both tables each contain a column of common and unique values....
本来最开始发现Power BI有自动生成关联关系(Automatic Relationship)的时候,因为怕麻烦,所以我就是简单的把不要的关系去掉就算了。总想着,这个自动生成关联关系也许还行。但是,昨天做需求,加了点东西,一直报错。最终痛下决心,把automatic relationship干掉了。
本来最开始发现Power BI有自动生成关联关系(Automatic Relationship)的时候,因为怕麻烦,所以我就是简单的把不要的关系去掉就算了。总想着,这个自动生成关联关系也许还行。但是,昨天做需求,加了点东西,一直报错。最终痛下决心,把automatic relationship干掉了。
Microsoft Power BI Blogu BlogRelationshipŞu etiketli gönderiler: Relationship Visual Awesomeness Unlocked – Gap Analysis Visual Announcements 3 Şubat, 2016 hazırlayan: The Power BI Team The Gap Analysis visualization is a visual used to compare the difference aka gap between two groups...
在 Power BI 支持多对多关系之前,关系涉及的列至少有一个必须包含唯一值。 不过,在某些场景下可能没有列包含唯一值,比如分析订单和产品的时候,一个订单包含多个产品,一个产品也可以属于多笔订单,通常的解决方法是在模型中引入包含必要唯一值的附加表,也称做桥接表。现在借助多对多关系,你可以直接连接此类表,关于...
Mensagens marcadas: Relationship Pin a range from Excel to your dashboard! Announcements 24 novembro, 2015 de The Power BI Team Excel has always been an honorable member in Power BI, as one of the popular ways to bring data into Power BI. We are excited to announce that now you can ...