I am new to PowerBI but absolutley LOVE it. I have been able to successfully join and create relationships across a number of my data tables. However, I just encountered an error saying that I can't create a relationsihp between two tables bc i need to have unique values in one of th...
Dragging the key column from one table to the other results in a message saying: “You can’t create a relationship between these two columns because one of the columns must have unique values.” The cause is simple: Power BI can only create relationships b...
INSERT INTO CheckTbl VALUES (10, 10); GO DELETE CheckTbl WHERE col1 = 10; 即使DELETE 约束指定表 CHECK 必须至少包含 CheckTbl 行, 1 语句也会成功。备注 如果表是为复制发布的,则必须使用 Transact-SQL 语句 ALTER TABLE 或SQL Server 管理对象 (SMO) 对架构进行更改。 使用表设计器...
When attempting to troubleshoot, I have filtered the Custom.2 down to only "null" values and the following screenshot is what appears: I am unable to determine why Custom.2 is not performing the 'then' function 'null&[Custom.1]' Any further assistance would be appreciated. Ryan Message ...
58 Sums of Fibonacci numbers close to a power of 2 33:04 Quadratic Twists of Modular L-functions 50:26 On the Quality of the ABC-Solutions 39:35 Negative moments of the Riemann zeta-function 49:44 Least quadratic non-residue and related problems 45:43 Extreme Values of the Riemann Zeta ...
and I want to add four new allergen values (Paranøtter, pekannøtter, pistajsnøtter, valnøtter) for each unique product id. So I need to add four new rows where the Allergens column will have those four new values but the remaining columns can have the same value as those ...
INSERTINTOCheckTblVALUES(10,10); GODELETECheckTblWHEREcol1 =10; 即使DELETE约束指定表CHECK必须至少包含CheckTbl行,1语句也会成功。 备注 如果表是为复制发布的,则必须使用 Transact-SQL 语句ALTER TABLE或 SQL Server 管理对象 (SMO) 对架构进行更改。 使用表设计器或数据库关系图设计器更...
So Iam working with power BI with the below data but my Rank measurement is not giving me accurante ranking. Total Callout is a measurement as well just a sum of the collumn "Callout". Would like to hear some from you guys. Solved! Go to Solution. Labels: Need Help Show and Tell ...
Returns or sets if the conditional format rule is looking for unique or duplicate values. Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel (in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll) Syntax C# Copy XlDupeUnique DupeUnique { get; set; } Property Value Type: Micros...
Creating new rows when unique values found Little back story - I'm putting together an accommodation spend tracker that has all our booking data on one tab and the analysis on another. We have multiple projects with new ones starting all the time....