如果常值字串包含引號,請在每個引號前面加上反斜線 (\) 逸出字元,如下所示:This string contains the \"quotation marks.\"。這可確保字串中的引號不會被視為分隔字串的特殊字元。下列範例示範如何使用 TRIMLEFT 和TRIMRIGHT 函數。 它們包含初始字串與結果字串,由 TRIMLEFT 和TRIMRIGHT 函數傳回:...
CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT ( <WithinText>, <FindText> ) 如果一个文本字符串包含另一个文本字符串,则返回 TRUE。CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT不支持通配符,区分大小写。使用时注意它的参数顺序。
6 The text contains 6 words. skip跳過陣列中的特定項目數,並傳回其餘項目。代碼複製 {% assign words = This is a run of text | split: %} {{ words | skip: 3 | join: ', ' }} 輸出複製 run, of, text take從陣列中取用特定項目數,傳回所取用的項目。代碼...
API Version api-version string The date value of the API version. Page size $top integer Number of Apps in the response. Skip token $skiptoken string Used to get next page of responses. Returns Body ResourceArray[PowerApp] Get Connection Role Assignments as AdminOperation ID: Get-AdminConnect...
string to retrieve the _currencyAttributeName field for all _entityName records // Add a filter to only retrieve records with _requiredAttributeName field which contains _requiredAttributeValue let queryString: string = "?$select=" + TSWebAPI._currencyAttributeName + "&$filter=contains(" + TS...
The notification contains details of the document which caused the problem and the label assigned to the document and to the site. The comparison happens between the priority of these two labels. The value can be any valid URL. Expand table Type: String Position: Named Default value: None ...
parametername=parametervalue. Each parameter name and value must be URL encoded if it contains spaces or special characters. If the default size of the app is too small or doesn’t fit the page, you can resize the app by dragging the resize button on the bottom right of the web part....
//reference to the component container HTMLDivElement//This element contains all elements of our code component exampleprivate _container: HTMLDivElement;//reference to Power Apps component framework Context objectprivate _context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>;//Event Handler 'refreshData' ...
The toolbar contains commands to select which events get logged to the event pane, to refresh the TreeView when new windows have been created, to start or stop logging of events to the event pane, and to clear the event pane. For the dialog box shown in Figure 1, ManagedSpy displays ...
Each MenuSection object contains a number of MenuItem objects. MenuSection export interface MenuSection { /** * the title of the section */ subhead: string; /** * the items to add to this section */ items: MenuItem[]; } MenuItem export interface MenuItem { /** * the title text ...