string returnVal = string.Empty; var fetchXml = string.Format(@" ", variableSchemaName); var ec = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml)); if (ec.Entities.Count >= 1) { if (ec.Entities[0].Contains("varvalue.value")) { returnVal = ec.Entities[0].GetAttributeValue("va...
string returnVal = string.Empty; var fetchXml = string.Format(@" ", variableSchemaName); var ec = service.RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetchXml)); if (ec.Entities.Count >= 1) { if (ec.Entities[0].Contains("varvalue.value")) { returnVal = ec.Entities[0].GetAttributeValue("va...
string districtManagerid = string.Empty; //大区经理 string regionalDirectorid = string.Empty; //区域总监 string representativeCityid = string.Empty; //代表常驻城市 foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { #region 品类 不为空 if (row["品类"] is DBNull || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["品类"].ToS...
UpdateContextRecord= This is also optional. A record that contains the name of at least one column and a value for each column. This record updates the context variables of the new screen as if passed to the UpdateContext function. Power Apps Screen Transitions There are somePower Apps Navigat...
Update the first gallery you created that contains the high-level folders Set the items to: TopLevelList You can now try out your blob storage app by playing the app, uploading a file, put a full name (with the extension) in the text box and clicking on the button. Do not forget...
"SVG Raw" contains the unconverted, unmodified SVG code. With this feature, we have direct access to the original content of our SVG file, allowing us to use the SVG file directly and without any modifications when needed. 📄🔍
PowerAppsActivity Contains Microsoft Power Apps activity logs that track events like creation, deletion, updates, permission changes, and app launches.
if(win.HasElement(By.XPath(“//li[contains(@aria-label,‘” +recordName+ “‘)]”))) { var records = win.FindElements(By.XPath(“//li[contains(@aria-label,'” + recordName + “‘)]”)); if (records.Count> number) {
* @param context The entire property bag available to control via Context Object; It contains values as set up by the customizer mapped to names defined in the manifest, as well as utility functions */ public updateView(context: ComponentFramework.Context<IInputs>): void { // Ad...
// Set the operation id to match the format “OperationThroughRouteName” operation.operationId = string.Format( “{0}_Through{1}”, operation.operationId, postfix); } } If you don’t add that second filter, further in the process (alm...