Discover the meaning and origin of "pound sand" with examples and alternatives. This guide offers a clear understanding, complete with images to enhance learning.
After World War II the phrase appears to change meaning, although it’s not clear exactly when and how this shift occurred. One source from 1948,Southeast Economist, implies that the intended meaning of “pound sand in your ears” meant “to soft pedal the noise, or tone down a situation....
Meaning: If someone's tells you topound sand, they are telling you toget lost. Country:American English|Subject Area:Food and Eating|Usage Type:Both or All Words Used All idioms have been editorially reviewed. Submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and completeness. ...
pound sand verb a dismissive retort; "screw off". Citation from "Stooges' James Williamson back for more 'Raw Power'",The Detroit News, Susan Whitall, March 15 2010 censored in hope of resolvingGoogle's penalty against this site. See more words with the same meaning:retorts and taunts (...
Meaning: if something is as sound as a pound, it is very good or reliable. Country:British English|Subject Area:Money|Usage Type:Both or All Words Used All idioms have been editorially reviewed. Submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and completeness. ...
Unit 17 Ezra Pound and Robert Frost Unit1720th-CenturyAmericanPoets EzraPound(1885-1972)RobertFrost(1874-1963)EzraPound(埃兹拉·庞德)1885—1972 HistoricPosition Aleadingspokesmanofthe“ImagistMovement”(意象主义运动)OneofthemostinfluentialAmericanpoetsandcritic ThefatheroftheAmericanmodernpoetry ...
Thoughts on Autumn to the tune of Sky Scouring Sand A withered vine, an old trees gaunt and a raven croaking on high; A small bridge, the murmuring water and a thatched cottage nearby; An ancient path, the west wind and a bony horse is heared to neigh; Lo! The sun sets today; At...
Many of the proverbs are imperfectly explained, partly because their meaning has not been fully grasped, and partly because many of them to be well understood ought to have a little story attached to them. They might be divided into more families, and all the minor families might again be ...
tothetuneofSkyScouringSand Awitheredvine,anoldtreesgauntandaravencroakingonhigh;Asmallbridge,themurmuringwaterandathatchedcottagenearby;Anancientpath,thewestwindandabonyhorseishearedtoneigh;Lo!Thesunsetstoday;Attheearth-endaheart-brokentravellerplodshis wearyway.(辜正坤译)Moreexamples •温庭筠《商山早行》:...
The Imagist movement included English and American poets in the early twentieth century who wrote free verse and were devoted to “clarity of expression through the use of precise visual images.” Image, or imagery in criticism is variable in meaning. Its applications range all the way from the...