Counting short films, I recently logged my 300th title, meaning I would have seen well over one per week if I’d been watching them as they came out. It’s easy to imagine serious fans seeing many more, but to me, it feels like a milestone worth summarizing. So here are very brief...
sand for the desert and some greenery from the garden to represent the vegetation along the banks of the Nile. And if I can find the little Lego figures as I did last year, we can line them up all ready for the waves to part and for the Children of Israel to walk across to ...
poemsandtranslationofancientChinesepoemsHughSelwynMauberley《休·赛尔温·毛伯利》hisdisillusionmentandhisviewofhisowncareer Majorworks Cantos/《诗章》theintellectualdiarysince1915 encyclopedicepicpoem/(学识渊博的史诗性 诗歌)Itexploreswesterncivilizationfromtheclassicalpastthroughthemedievalperiod...
My attention was thus at an early period of my life in India drawn to proverbs, and 1 began to study Percival's collection. I got, however, very little out of my study, as Percival had only given a translation of the Tamil proverbs, and had given no hints as to their meaning. So ...
1.Imagistmovement2.EzraPoundandWilliamCarlosWilliams •TheImagistmovementincludedEnglishandAmericanpoetsintheearlytwentiethcenturywhowrotefreeverseandweredevotedto“clarityofexpressionthroughtheuseofprecisevisualimages.”•Image,orimageryincriticismisvariableinmeaning.Itsapplicationsrangeallthewayfromthe“mentalpictures...
The word “apparition” has double meaning: 1. “appearance”, something which can be clearly observed; 2. something which seems real but perhaps is not real; something ghostly which cannot be clearly observed. Petals may refer to the faces in the crowd, while bough may refer to the ...
•(TranslationofancientChinesepoetry) •《华夏集》/《神州集》 •In1915,Pound publishedCathay,a smallvolumeof poemsthathe describedas“For themostpartfrom theChinesepoetLi Po(李白)anditwas consideredamong themostbeautiful ofhiswritings. •1915年庞德发表了他 ...