infestans include the role of the pathogen–microbiota interaction in promotion or suppression of the disease, as well as the metabolism of P. infestans. The fungus Alternaria solani is the main pathogen causing early blight on potatoes. Early blight can be found in most potato-growing countries...
Classification of utg Haplotype-aware genetic phasing Polyploidy graph binning of hifiasm HiC scaffolding and remove artifact Step by step Step1 Hifiasm preliminary assembly hifiasm -t 64 -o C88 -l 0 --primary C88.HiFi.fa.gz gfatools gfa2fa C88.p_utg.gfa>C88.p_utg.fa ...
- Classification of utg - Haplotype-aware genetic phasing - Polyploidy graph binning of hifiasm - HiC scaffolding and remove artifact ## Running Using the snakemake for whole pipeline from preliminary assembly and HiC scaffolding ```bash snakemake -s Snakefile --cores 64 ``` ## Step by step...
Over the past years, considerable success has been made in redomesticating potato from a clonally propagated, tetraploid crop into a seed-propagated, diploid crop to increase reproduction rate, decrease costs in storage and transportation and improve disease control2,33,34,35. However, the random ...
Table 2 Association with drought tolerance in the potato association panel and classification of candidate SNPs. Full size table Performing Kruskal–Wallis’s analysis instead of the exact Fisher test, four of the genes (Soltu.DM.06G033680.1, Soltu.DM.12G029920.1, Soltu.DM.12G026680.1 and Solt...
integrated with non-full-length non-chimeric reads. After correction and classification by quiver and CEC (clustering for error correction) programs, 41,016 high-qualities (accuracy > 0.99) and 11,464 low-qualities polished isoforms were generated from the ROIs. The consensus isoform reads’ ...
integrated with non-full-length non-chimeric reads. After correction and classification by quiver and CEC (clustering for error correction) programs, 41,016 high-qualities (accuracy > 0.99) and 11,464 low-qualities polished isoforms were generated from the ROIs. The consensus isoform reads’ ...
Classification of cultivated potatoes. In The Potato and Its Wild Relatives; Botanical Studies; Correll, D.S., Ed.; Contributions from Texas Research Foundation: Renner, TX, USA, 1962; Volume 4, pp. 517–539. [Google Scholar] Hawkes, J.G. The Potato: Evolution, Biodiversity and Genetic ...
of Microorganisms—New Perspectives for AgricultureBiological Technology Platforms Accelerating Crop ImprovementBreeding for Disease ResistanceChallenges and Opportunities for Climate-Smart AgricultureClimate Change in Agriculture: Impacts and AdaptationsClimate Changes and Quality of CropsCOVID-19 Crises & ...
In addition to maintaining the dynamic balance of auxin, GH3 genes are also widely involved in disease resistance and biotic and abiotic stress responses, which is consistent with the abundance of cis-elements related to stress in their promoters [47,48]. StGH3 promoters contain many stress-...