After giving birth, it takes time for your hormones and immune system to return to baseline. That means eczema that occurred during pregnancy can linger after your child's birth. 2. Stress A crying baby and lack of sleep are the perfect recipe for increased stress levels. Not to mention,...
plan to see your doctor for your first postpartum visit within three weeks of giving birth. You should have another appointment for a full postpartum examination no later than 12 weeks postpartum—at least. Much of this depends on whether you have experienced birth complications or if you gave...
Postpartum depression is different from the postpartum blues, often called the baby blues. The term baby blues refers to common, less intense feelings of sadness or being overwhelmed after giving birth. With the baby blues, you may experience short periods of crying, anxiety, difficulty sleeping,...
Postpartum recovery can be challenging and is associated with several physical and emotional symptoms that may be new and unsettling for new parents. After giving birth, having strategies on hand to cope with these new challenges may be helpful, as well as knowledg...
Our team of midwives is dedicated to a seamless transition from giving birth to arriving home with skilled and compassionate postpartum care.
Tubal ligation: Within 24 hours after giving birth Dr. Lodhi recommends “using progestin-only birth control (the mini-pill, IUD, or injection) while breastfeeding, as it’s considered safe and won’t affect milk supply.” She continues, “Combined hormonal methods (those with estrogen) can ...
PPD is much more common than many people realize — recent research suggests that an estimated 10 – 15% of Caucasian women develop postpartum depression symptoms after giving birth, and the numbers are even higher for women of other ethnic/racial backgrounds. While it’s not possible to ...
5-9 Given that (1) women experience depressive symptoms along a wide spectrum after giving birth, (2) most mothers currently experience subclinical depressed mood in the postpartum period,10 and (3) subclinical levels of depressive symptoms in the early postpartum period increase the likelihood ...
Postpartum depression is a fairly common mental health and mood disorder that affects 15 to 20 percent of moms after giving birth. It can range in severity and type, and depending on the woman and other factors, can be resolved within weeks or months or can last significantly longer. Post...
Nearly 80% of new mothers experience what is referred to as the “baby blues.”1The baby blues appear a few days to a week after giving birth, and may manifest as moodiness, irritability, insomnia (problems falling and/or staying asleep), anxiety, or tearfulness.1, 2Followingchildbirth, ...