News health-coach-writer Stacey Colino addresses what to do if your doctor is downplaying your symptoms or health concerns. Stacey ColinoJan. 21, 2025 Medical Gaslighting There's a lot to cover during a postpartum checkup. Here are some questions you'll want to ask and what you ...
or you’ve just started wondering if a hearing aid might be right for you, it may be time to take a hearing test. It’s the first step towards figuring out if you have hearing loss and if a hearing aid -- over-the-counter or prescription -- is right for you. ...
I had a really good birth experience but did suffer from postpartum preeclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage.This time around, still a smaller baby... Latest: 19 hours ago | rae-m 2 Epidural? March 04, 2025 | by veronicaleighjaimes 1st time mama here!!I’m so excited for my journey but...
Postpartum PTSD, a mental health stress disorder trigged by traumatic stress from giving birth or witnessing a birth, can also affect adoptive parents.
change, or persistent stress can cause levels of neurotransmitters to become unbalanced, leading to depression. Even events that tend to be major happy occasions, such aspregnancyand childbirth, can cause changes in hormone levels, be stressful and cause clinical depression, as inpostpartum depression...
4days postpartum February 19, 2025 | by AMG26 I’m back home and i want to do some errands i know it’s not good and should let my body rest but i feel like im going to go nuts staying home �� anyone else is stubborn? ����!! Latest: 4 days ago | Oplash...
within a few weeks of giving birth. It used to be called postpartum depression and many people still use the term interchangeably. This type can happen before a baby is born, or prenatal depression, and after, or postpartum depression (hence the name change), with a stunning 1-in-9 new...
The second Client Needs Category is Health Promotion and Maintenance. These questions account for 6-12% of the exam. Nursing actions tested include the Aging Process, Ante/Intra/Postpartum and Newborn Care, Developmental Stages and Transitions, Disease Prevention, Health Screening, Lifestyle Choices...
What Is Postpartum Depression? It’s the type of depression you may get after you have a baby. It can start any time during your baby’s first year, but it’s most common for you to start to feel its effects during the first 3 weeks after birth. ...
Te Anna Brown is wonderful, warm, caring, insightful. Testimonial Slide 1Testimonial Slide 2 PreviousNext Take the first step towards rewriting your story! Schedule Appointment LOCATION One Convenient Location Minutes from I-225 in Aurora, CO!