Postman控制台:在Postman中,通常可以在控制台(Console)或测试(Tests)标签页中查看更详细的错误信息。这些信息可以帮助您确定问题是否与请求、响应或Postman的内部机制有关。 错误日志:查找与“socket hang up”相关的具体日志条目,这些条目可能包含导致问题的具体原因。 4. 尝试重启Postman或重置其设置 重启Postman:有时...
如果出现上述提示,可能有两个原因,排查方案如下: 1.可能是本地开启了代理,关闭代理后,再试一下 2.可能是服务的地址问题,比如服务端是https,你请求的前缀是http也会出现如上报错
这段是使用socket.io作为websocket的服务端,nodejs的net模块进行socket客户端转发,socket应该没啥问题,websocket服务端不知道为什么一直连接不上。尝试使用apifox的websocket连接或者再写一个socket.io的websocket客户端连接都不行。还有就是请... 1 回答4.6k 阅读✓ 已解决 nextjs15 怎么根据接口动态设置metadata? 如...
I am facing issue in PUT request from postman. This request works fine in my local wamp server. But when i deployed it in and run the api using postman, it shows the error “Socket hang up”.
I am not able to Post to the server. I am receiving “Could not get any response” error. While checking the logs found the following: POST http://localhost:3000/posts Error: socket hang up Warning: This request did not…
Error socket hang up at request { Error: socket hang up at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:253:15) at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:345:23) at emitNone (events.js:91:20) at Socket.emit (events.js:185:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:974:12) at _combinedTick...
That is consistent with the issue i had, because the same tests run manually with Postman work well, even with the collection runner, but when the collection is passed to newman, the same tests get a "socket hang up at request error". So the summary of both cases is: Collection run th...
socket hang up read ECONNRESET 2.9k 阅读 请问如何解决socket.io的跨域问题 1 回答22.2k 阅读 接口测试问题,node写的后端接口,启动项目,浏览器能看到返回的字符串,postman测试返回一个错误的html代码? 3 回答5.7k 阅读✓ 已解决 get started问题 1.1k 阅读 socket.io的重连问题 2 回答9.7k 阅读...
POSTMAN URL: Result: Error: socket hang up Headers API Controller ...publicfunctionregister(Request$request){$validator= Validator::make($request->all(), ["name"=>"required","email"=>"required|email","password"=>"required...
function submitForm() { var rssoForm = document.getElementById('rssoForm'); if (window.l...