针对您遇到的Postman错误“socket hang up”,这个问题通常与网络连接、服务器响应或Postman本身的配置有关。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,我将按照您提供的tips进行详细说明: 1. 确认Postman版本和操作系统环境 检查Postman版本:确保您使用的Postman是最新版本。旧版本可能包含未修复的bug或不支持当前的网络环境。您可以在Pos...
postman error: socket hang up 如果出现上述提示,可能有两个原因,排查方案如下: 1.可能是本地开启了代理,关闭代理后,再试一下 2.可能是服务的地址问题,比如服务端是https,你请求的前缀是http也会出现如上报错
POSTMAN URL: Result: Error: socket hang up Headershttps://snipboard.io/iXgoPt.jpg API Controller ...publicfunctionregister(Request$request){$validator= Validator::make($request->all(), ["name"=>"required","email"=>"required|email","password"=>"required|...
萌新,之前没写过服务端,需要做一个websocket和socket互相转换的服务。这段是使用socket.io作为websocket的服务端,nodejs的net模块进行socket客户端转发,socket应该没啥问题,websocket服务端不知道为什么一直连接不上。尝试使用apifox的websocket连接或者再写一个socket.io的websocket客户端连接都不行。还有就是请... 1 回...
Socket hang up error Team This was originally posted to postman support. They told me to post it in the community. I am getting socket hang up error while executing the following using newman(4.4.0) after executing few iterations. First few iterations are running fine. After that getting ...
Error: socket hang up Warning: This request did not get sent completely and might not have all the required system headers Request Headers Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.24.0 Accept: / Postman-Token: 0e027767-78e2-456f-a04f-d760d646ae75 Host: localhost:3000 ...
function submitForm() { var rssoForm = document.getElementById('rssoForm'); if (window.l...
Error socket hang up at request { Error: socket hang up at createHangUpError (_http_client.js:253:15) at Socket.socketOnEnd (_http_client.js:345:23) at emitNone (events.js:91:20) at Socket.emit (events.js:185:7) at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:974:12) at _combinedTick...
BUT, you might get a new errorsocket hang up. Now, this will be because you are using socket.io library and going through the documentation, it seems like it expectssocket.io-client, its own library for proper handshake to establish a connection. So, we might not be able to do it fro...
错误是在 Postman 上,确保你的body是JSON类型的,像这样 enter image description here ...