2024-08-08 21:10:55.473 CST[17308]STATEMENT:selecttimestamp();2024-08-08 21:11:27.353 CST[17298]LOG: received fast shutdown request 2024-08-08 21:11:27.356 CST[17298]LOG: aborting any active transactions 2024-08-08 21:11:27.357 CST[17298]LOG: background worker"logical replication launche...
查看PostgreSQL日志,信息如下: 2024-02-26 18:18:28.527 CST [2632761] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2024-02-26 18:18:28.530 CST [2632761] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2024-02-26 18:18:28.533 CST [2632761] LOG: background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 2632812) exi...
停止(fast): pg_ctl stop -D /postgresql/pgdata/ -m fast 2022-11-01 23:28:13.689 CST [15716] LOG: received fast shutdown request 2022-11-01 23:28:13.691 CST [15716] LOG: aborting any active transactions 2022-11-01 23:28:13.692 CST [15716] LOG: background worker "logical replication...
received fast shutdown request 2024-08-15 11:10:06 CST--- :LOG: aborting any active transactions 2024-08-15 11:10:06 CST-postgres- heartbeat :FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command 2024-08-15 11:10:06 CST--- :FATAL: terminating walreceiver process du...
LOG: database system is shut down done server stopped [postgres@localhost ~]$ 最快速关闭方法:killpostgres进程 [postgres@localhost ~]$ kill -INT `head -1 /opt/postgresql/data/postmaster.pid` [postgres@localhost ~]$ LOG: received fast shutdown request ...
LOG: database system is shut down done server stopped [postgres@localhost ~]$ 最快速关闭方法:kill postgres 进程 [postgres@localhost ~]$ kill -INT `head -1 /opt/postgresql/data/postmaster.pid` [postgres@localhost ~]$ LOG: received fast shutdown request ...
LOG: received fast shutdown request LOG: aborting any active transactions FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command LOG: shutting down LOG: database system is shut down 会话被强制中断,然后关闭数据库。起⼀个事务,然后测试关闭:postgres=# create table t(id int primary key, name ...
2.2 fast 窗口1:打开一个连接 [postgres@ora19c02~]$ psql-d testdb psql(15.4)Type"help"forhelp.testdb=# 窗口2:执行关闭命令 [postgres@ora19c02~]$ pg_ctl stop-m fast waitingforservertoshut down...2023-10-1916:49:53.264CST[38965]LOG: received fastshutdownrequest2023-10-1916:49:53.265...
此时在客户端出现如下信息: FATAL: terminating connection duetoadministrator command The connectiontothe server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.!> 再看后台的log: 2013-07-1410:17:17.280CST,,,3422,,51e209eb.d5e,2,,2013-07-1410:16:11CST,,0,LOG,00000,"received fastshutdownrequest",,,""201...
[postgres@pghost1~]$ kill -sigterm `head -1 /pgdata/10/data/postmaster.pid` received smart shutdown request shutting down database system is shut down 通过日志输出可以看到该命令是通过smart关闭数据库的。它内部的原理可以查看PostgreSQL内核相关的书籍或者阅读源码中pqsignal和pmdie相关的代码进行了解。