ereport(LOG,errmsg("database system was shut down at %s",str_time(ControlFile->time))); elseif(ControlFile->state==DB_SHUTDOWNED_IN_RECOVERY) ereport(LOG,(errmsg("database system was shut down in recovery at %s",str_time(ControlFile->time))); elseif(ControlFile->state==DB_SHUTDO...
2019-03-12 11:17:16.759 CST [1092] NOTICE: 00000: database system was shut down at 2019-03-12 11:16:54 CST 2019-03-12 11:17:16.759 CST [1092] LOCATION: StartupXLOG, xlog.c:6363 2019-03-12 11:17:16.759 CST [1092] DEBUG: 00000: checkpoint record is at 2/67000028 2019-03-12...
2023-03-09 08:18:58.224 CST [23562] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-03-09 08:04:04 CST 2023-03-09 08:18:58.232 CST [23561] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections done server started 热备冷恢复(第二种物理备份方式) pg_basebackup 基本原理和步骤 pg_basebackup ...
在主机 local128 上创建了一个 PostgreSQL 实例,并在实例上创建多个数据库,通过流复制技术可以在另外一台主机如 local29 上创建 个热备只读 PostgreSQL实例,我们通常将 local128 上的数据库称为主库( Primary Database Master local129 上的数据库称为备库( Standby Database Slav 时, local128...
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recoveryinprogress LOG: consistent recovery state reached at0/20FA714 LOG: record with zero length at0/20FA714 LOG: redoisnot required LOG:** EnterpriseDB Dynamic Tuning Agent *** * System Utilization:66% * * Database Version:9.1...
[postgres@localhost ~]$ LOG: database system was shut down at 2011-07-09 13:58:00 CST LOG: autovacuum launcher started LOG: database system is ready to accept connections 如果要在操作系统启动时就启动PG,可以在/etc/rc.d/rc.local 文件中加以下语句:/opt/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl ...
4、ostgreslocalhost $ pg_ctl start serverstarting postgreslocalhost $ LOG: database system was shut down at 2011-07-09 13:58:00 CST LOG: autovacuum launcher started LOG: database system is ready to accept connections如果要在操作系统启动时就启动PG可以在/etc/rc.d/rc.local文件中加以下语句:pl...
2021-10-28 10:58:44.571 CST [31604] LOG: database system was shut down at 2021-10-28 10:52:48 CST 2021-10-28 10:58:44.602 CST [31597] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections done server started 02,初始化repmgr数据库和用户 ...
"pg_ctl" -D "../data" -l logfile start C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin> 7、启动数据库,进入客户端:C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>"pg_ctl" -D "../data" start server starting C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin>LOG: database system was shut down at 2014...
2020-04-28 11:43:53.580 HKT [2372] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress2020-04-28 11:43:53.668 HKT [2372] LOG: redo starts at 0/49FA3DD02020-04-28 11:43:57.016 HKT [2372] LOG: invalid record length at 0/4DACDAC0: wanted 24, got 0...