Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TABLE oc_migrations (app VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(app, version))': SQLSTATE[3F000]: Invalid schema name: 7 ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in LINE...
ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in LINE 1: CREATE TABLE t3(id int); ^ Time: 2.187 ms dlq16050@HQ-SIT-kafka013:5432/test=> CREATE TABLE public,t3(id int); ERROR: syntax error at or near "," LINE 1: CREATE TABLE public,t3(id int); ^ Time: 0.798 ms dlq16050@HQ...
这里也可以看出,在postgresql中schema和user是不同的了。我们是以postgres用户登录,但是没有schema可以创建对象。 现在,我们来创建一个schema: postgres=# create schema my_schema; CREATE SCHEMA postgres=# create table t1(a int); ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in LINE 1: create table t1...
postgres@HQ-SIT-kafka013:5432/test=# \c test dlq16050You are now connectedtodatabase"test"asuser"dlq16050".dlq16050@HQ-SIT-kafka013:5432/test=>CREATETABLEt3(idint);ERROR:noschemahas been selectedtocreateinLINE1:CREATETABLEt3(idint);^Time:2.187ms dlq16050@HQ-SIT-kafka013:5432/test=>C...
ERROR:noschemahas been selectedtocreatein LINE 1:createtablet1 ( aint); ^ postgres=# 我们现在没有schema了: 1 2 3 4 5 postgres=# \dn Listofschemas Name| Owner ---+--- (0rows) postgresql不知道去哪里创建表。这里也可以看出,在postgresql中schema和user是不同的了。我们是以postgres用户登录...
ERROR: no schema has been selected to create in LINE 1: create table t1 ( a int );^ postgres=# 我们现在没有schema了:postgres=# \dn List of schemas Name | Owner ---+--- (0 rows)postgresql不知道去哪⾥创建表。这⾥也可以看出,在postgresql中schema和user是不同的了。我们是以...
psql -h adventureworks[nnn] -U azureuser@adventureworks[nnn] -d azureadventureworks -E -q -f adventureworks_schema.sql 您將在每個項目建立完成後看到一連串的訊息。 指令碼應該完成,而且沒有任何錯誤。 執行下列命令。 findkeys.sql 指令碼會產生另...
Query Store and Query Performance Insights. The Azure Database for PostgreSQL stores information about the queries run against databases on the server, and saves them in a database namedazure_sys, in thequery_storeschema. You query thequery_store.qs_viewview to see this i...
During table structure synchronization in the full phase, if there is a schema with the same name as a user in the destination database and another user is used to synchronize the table structure to the schema, run thegrant [role] to [role]command to grant permissions to the user. Otherwi...