List of schemas Name | Owner ---+--- miaosha | miaosha public | postgres t4 | postgres test | postgres (4 rows) postgres=# show search_path; #查看当前schema信息 search_path --- "$user", public #$user意为和当前用户名同名的scheam,先从该schema中操作表,如果找不到则会从public查找并...
reported by "Dirk Kraemer" Fix XSS in function.php, reported by Mateusz Goik Fix bug where renaming a tablespace was leading to an error Fix a bug where clicking to "Show all schemas" on schema privilege page leads back to the latest tab used...
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA test_dm TO public; --能创建对象的用户,不建议这样,owner太多分不清 /** 添加 search_path */ -- 查新当前用户 search_path show search_path; -- 修改当前用户 search_path set search_path = "$user", public, test_dm; -- 修改指定数据库 search_path alter database "tes...
[commands] show help on backslash commands \? options show help on psql command-line options \? variables show help on special variables \h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commandsQuery Buffer \e [FILE] [LINE] edit the query buffer (or file) with...
variables show help on special variables \h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commands Query Buffer \e [FILE] [LINE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor \ef [FUNCNAME [LINE]] edit function definition with external editor ... Informational (options: S ...
\o [FILE] send all query results to file or |pipe \qecho [STRING] write string to query output stream (see \o) Informational (options: S = show system objects, + = additional detail) \d[S+] list tables, views, and sequences ...
近两天总结了下PostgreSQL的基本操作命令,对PostgreSQL也有了一个基本的认识。 PostgreSQL的功能还是很丰富的,有序列,支持db link,基本Oracle里有的概念它这里也有,目前来看不支持package。 风格和Oracle也类似,没有MySQL中快捷方便的show create tabl...
According to the SQL standard, the owner of a schema always owns all objects within it. PostgreSQL allows schemas to contain objects owned by users other than the schema owner. This can happen only if the schema owner grants the CREATE privilege on his schema to someone else, ...
[commands] show help on backslash commands\? options show help on psql command-line options\? variables show help on special variables\h [NAME] help on syntax of SQL commands, * for all commandsQuery Buffer\e [FILE] [LINE] edit the query buffer (or file) with external editor\ef [FUNC...
PostgreSQL 运行时的参数设置可以通过SHOW语句进行查看:SHOW nameSHOW ALL例如:hrdb=> show shared_buffers; shared_buffers --- 256MB(1 row)运行时的参数可以通过SET语句、修改 postgresql.conf 配置文件、设置 PGOPTIONS 环境变量(使用 libpq 或者基于 libpq应用连接)或者启动服务时的命令行参数进行设置。使用SET...