clusterdb clusters all previously clustered tables in a database. clusterdb [OPTION]... [DBNAME] -a, --all cluster all databases -d, --dbname=DBNAME database to cluster -e, --echo show the commands being sent to the server -q, --quiet don't write any messages -t, --table=TABLE c...
List tables in database => \d List database users => \du Turn on timer for query execution => \timing on Get information of current user and connection => \conninfo You are connected to database "template1" as user "mengzhusun" via socket in "/tmp" at port "5432". Enter a diff...
To view INFORMATION_SCHEMA in the PSQL console, you may issue the statement: postgres=# \dt information_schema.* This will return all objects from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. DT is used as a short form for listing tables. the \z for Returning Tables in a Database in PostgreSQL Another pretty...
PostgreSQL 中使用 aclitem 来表示一个具体的数据库对象上的权限。对于 database 和 schema,aclitem 存储在 pg_database.datacl 和 pg_namespace.nspacl 中,对于 table,view 等其他数据库对象,pg_class.relacl 中保存了 aclitem 的一个 list。对于列级别的权限,aclitem 将保存在 pg_attribute.attacl 中。
I want to create activiti database on my own, by using the scripts which are available in activiti-engine-5.12.1.jar. By default, the tables are created inpublic schema, but I want them to be in another schema likemySchemafor example. ...
( select table_name, table_schema as schema_name, pg_database_size(current_database()) as total_database_size, pg_total_relation_size(table_name) as total_table_size, pg_relation_size(table_name) as table_size, pg_indexes_size(table_name) as index_size from information_schema.tables ...
而且对public权限的继承完全不受NOINHERIT的控制,一旦创建了一个拥有login权限的角色,它会立即继承拥有上述权限,此时如果想通过revoke(比如revoke connect on database)来回收的话不会成功,因为这是通过组-组成员来继承的,这种继承权限无法通过单纯的对角色成员revoke掉,只能对组进行revoke,通过继承来实现回收。
以前BRIN只有函数brin_summarize_new_values()、 gin_clean_pending_list() Improve accuracy in determining if a BRIN index scan is beneficial (David Rowley, Emre Hasegeli) INET和CIDR类型上支持建SP-GiST类型的索引 在GiST索引的插入和更新可以更高效的重用空间 Reduce page locking during vacuuming of GIN...
Operation ID: GetTables This operation gets tables from a database. Returns Represents a list of tables. Body TablesList Insert rowOperation ID: PostItem This operation inserts a new row into a table. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Table name table True string Name of ...
After that I want to move these tables away in another schema (called data_archive). The existing function works great but I can't find a way to change the schema; here's a function I wrote to do this: My idea was to create a list of tables according to criteria prov...