赋予指定账户指定数据库所有权限$GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE'dbname'TO'username';#将数据库 mydb 权限授权于testGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mydb TO test;#但此时用户还是没有读写权限,需要继续授权表GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO xxx;#注意,...
#默认只能看见自己模式与pg_catalog,information_schema的表 #比如在public下执行,只能看见public,pg_catalog,information_schema的表 #而在hq模式下,只能看见hq,pg_catalog,information_schema的表 REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; 第一个“public”是模式,第二个“public”指的是 “每一个用户”。 除...
The TABLE_SCHEMA tells us the SCHEMA contains the table. When we call INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES, it returns all the objects as defined by the database rules in their documentation. Hence, it also includes PG_CATALOG and PUBLIC tables. But the tables with the TABLE_SCHEMA set to INFORMATION_...
GRANTprivilege_list|ALLONALLTABLESINSCHEMAschema_nameTOrole_name; ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA 表示某个模式中的所有表,可以方便批量授权操作。例如: hrdb=#GRANTSELECThrdb-#ONALLTABLESINSCHEMApublichrdb-#TOtony;GRANT 该语句将 public 模式中所有表的查询权限授予 tony 用户。 我们也可以在 GRANT 语句的最后指定一...
How do I list all tables in all schemas owned by the current user in Postgresql? 34 Why does PostgreSQL allow querying for array[0] even though it uses 1-based arrays? 39 Constraint - one boolean row is true, all other rows false 0 How to replace (SIMILAR TO + regular expression...
u1db=# grant SELECT on ALL tables in SCHEMA u1 to u3; #授权u3用户查询u1模式权限 GRANT u1db=# grant CREATE on SCHEMA u1 to u3; #授权u3用户在u1模式创建表权限 GRANT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ...
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO xxx; #注意,该sql语句必须在所要操作的数据库里执行 #移除指定账户指定数据库所有权限 REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE mydb from test #删除用户 drop user test # 查看用户 \du 1.
This shows you the size of all tables in the schema public: select table_name, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name))), pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(table_name)) from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'public' order by 3 desc; If you have ...
可以通过下面的方式来查看当前数据库的Schema。 postgres=# \dn #输出的信息如下: List of schemas Name | Owner ---+--- public | postgres (1 row) 用户也可以创建自己的模式,例如:下面的语句创建了一个名叫demo的模式,并在该模式上创建了一张表。 postgres=# create schema demo; postgres=# create ...