mydb=# \dt gxl.*Did not find any relation named"gxl.*"# 如果模式中没有表就会返回这个提示# 创建表mydb=# create table gxl.test2(id int,name varchar(32), age int);CREATE TABLE# 查看表mydb=# \dt gxl.*List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner ---+---+---+--- gxl | ...
grant select,update,delete,insert on all tables in schema "GPO" to "OT_member"; grant select,update,delete,insert on all tables in schema "GPO" to "OT_agent"; grant usage,select,update on all sequences in schema "GPO" to "GPO_member"; grant usage,select,update on all sequences in ...
-- Now let's list all the tables, indexes, etc. that live in this namespace. blogdb=# select * from pg_class blogdb-# where relnamespace = to_regnamespace('public')::oid; oid | relname | relnamespace | reltype | reloftype | relowner | relam | relfilenode | reltablespace | ...
test1_user=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA test1_user TO test1_user; GRANTCREATE TABLE test1_user.test1_user222 ( name text, population real, altitude int -- (in ft) ); #[Err] ERROR: permission denied for schema test1_user test1_user=# ALTER ROLE test1_user WITH CREATE...
disabled - connector不会检查有无publication存在,如果publication不存在,则在创建connector会报错.filtered - 与all_tables不同的是,debezium会根据connector的配置中的table.include.list生成生成创建publication的脚本: CREATE PUBLICATION <publication_name> FOR TABLE <tbl1, tbl2, tbl3>。例如,本例子中,“
GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <name>; -- All tables GRANT SELECT ON TO <user>; -- Specific tables If you are running a self-hosted instance please refer to Debezium’s documentation for configuration instructions. SQLake runs the open source Debezium engine ...
如果每个schema下的表名都不一样,则所有表名都可以看到 DB=# select * from pg_tables WHERE tablename NOT LIKE 'pg%' AND tablename NOT LIKE 'sql_%' ORDER BY tablename;--普通用户也能查询到整个数据库下的所有表,标准语句 DB=# select table_catalog,table_schema,table_name,table_type,is_...
createextensionpg_cronwithschemaextensions;-- 默认 pg_cron 创建完成后,其配置数据以及任务执行只能由管理员用户进行设置。若需要其他用户进行 pg_cron 设置或者执行,则需要向其他用户授予 cron 元数据库的权限,请运行以下命令。grantusageonschemacrontopostgres;grantallprivilegesonalltablesinschemacrontopostgres; ...
List all tables in database along with some additional information # \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description ---+---+---+---+---+--- public | users | table | jarvis | 401 MB | (1 row) Describe a table with additional information ...
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO <user_name>;Step 2: Create a new Postgres source in Airbyte UIFrom...