INSERT INTO test_tab(name,sex,address,lastEndTime,createTime) SELECT'a','b','c',1,1FROM (select1) tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (Select1FROM test_tabwherename ='0') (2)MySQL(使用系统临时表DUAL) INSERT INTO `test_tab`(`name`,`age`,`addresss`) SELECT'aa',2,'bb'FROM DUAL WHERE NOT E...
INSERTINTOWHERENOTEXISTS ⼀、问题 Postgresql中⽆则插⼊的使⽤⽅法INSERT INTO WHERE NOT EXISTS,⽤法请参考样例。⼆、解决⽅案 (1)PostgresSQL INSERT INTO test_tab(name,sex,address,lastEndTime,createTime)SELECT 'a','b','c',1,1 FROM (select1) tmp WHERE NOT EXISTS (Select ...
insert into xx select #{x1},#{x2} where not EXISTS (select 1 from xx t where t.x1 = #{x1} and t.x2 = #{x2}) 1. 2. 3. 这样就可以不重复插入数据了 在mysql中,应对这个问题,有三种解决的办法: mysql在存在主键冲突或者唯一键冲突的情况下,根据插入策略不同,一般有以下三种避免方法。 1...
postgres=# insert into aa values(1,1); postgres=# insert into aa values(2,2); postgres=# insert into aa(id) values(3); postgres=# select * from aa where age not in (1,2); id | age ---+--- (0 rows) postgres=# select * from aa where age not in (1); id | age ...
不用9.5也可以解决。。 insert into table1(col1) select 'value1' from table1 where not exists (select 1 from table1 where col1 = 'value1')有用 回复 scaner 1012 发布于 2016-01-11 新的Postgresql 9.5总算支持upsert了。 如果条件所限不能用最新版本,就只能考虑用触发器实现类似的功能,google能...
SELECTl.*FROMt_left lWHERENOTEXISTS(SELECTNULLFROMt_right rWHEREr.value=l.value); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 我们先把环境准备一下: postgres 11.9 CREATETABLEt_left(idINTNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,valueINTNOTNULL,stuffingVARCHAR(200)NOTNULL);CREATETABLEt_right(idINTNOTNULLPRIMARYKEY,valueINTNOTNUL...
After a long time of waiting, PostgreSQL 9.5 introduced INSERT ON CONFLICT [DO UPDATE] [DO NOTHING]. This option basically helps to perform DML actions like, Insert IF not Exists, Update IF Exists. Previously, we have to use upsert or merge statement to do this kind of oper...
SELECT emp_id FROM emp_tab WHERE emp_id = 3 ); Let’s run the SELECT statement to see if the selected record has been inserted into the emp_tab or not: SELECT * FROM emp_tab; The output proves that the “emp_id = 3” already exists in the “emp_tab”, so the INSERT command...