--创建具有INHERIT属性的角色joe:CREATEROLE joe LOGIN INHERIT;--创建具有NOINHERIT属性的角色admin:CREATEROLE admin NOINHERIT;--创建具有NOINHERIT属性的角色wheel:CREATEROLE wheel NOINHERIT;--将joe作为成员,添加进admin组:GRANTadminTOjoe;--将admin作为成员,添加进wheel组:GRANTwheelTOadmin; 一个session 以 j...
u1db=# grant CONNECT on DATABASE u1db to u3 ; #授权连接数据库权限 GRANT u1db=# grant USAGE on SCHEMA u1 to u3; #授权查询权限前需要授权模式的usage权限 GRANT u1db=# grant SELECT on ALL tables in SCHEMA u1 to u3; #授权u3用户查询u1模式权限 GRANT u1db=# grant CREATE on SCHEMA u1 to...
ON DATABASE db_name [, ...] TO { username | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { CREATE | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON TABLESPACE tablespace_name [, ...] TO { username | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [, ...] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] GRANT { EXEC...
create user select_only with password 'select_only'; 赋予这个用户 登录数据库的权限 alter user select_only login; 赋予这个select_only 用户 读取所有数据库的 public schema 的权限 grant select ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public to select_only; 估计这个时候会有同学问,哎,你到底是给那个数据库进行赋值的...
postgres=#grantselectonsbtest2todigoal;GRANTpostgres=# \dp+sbtest2 Access privileges Schema|Name|Type|Access privileges|Columnprivileges|Policies---+---+---+---+---+---public|sbtest2|table|postgres=arwdDxt/postgres+|||digoal=r/postgres||(1row) 回收权限一定要针对已有的权限来,如果你发现这里...
{ "invalid_grant_operation", ERRCODE_INVALID_GRANT_OPERATION }, { "invalid_role_specification", ERRCODE_INVALID_ROLE_SPECIFICATION }, { "diagnostics_exception", ERRCODE_DIAGNOSTICS_EXCEPTION }, { "stacked_diagnostics_accessed_without_active_handler", ERRCODE_STACKED_DIAGNOSTICS_ACCESSED_WITHOUT_ACTIVE_...
While some features, like GUI-based access, might fit into SaaS, overall, DBaaS is a good match for the PaaS category. Comparing Virtual Machines, Kubernetes, and DBaaS There are three main ways to migrate a database to the public cloud: 1. Virtual Machines: Can be combined with ...
I recently wanted to share regular access rights with one user of a server and I realized that a simple CREATE USER and GRANT ALL ON DATABASE commands didn't let him run a simple SELECT on the data. I would like to grant rights to all tables from a given database to a specified use...
grant select ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public to select_only; 估计这个时候会有同学问,哎,你到底是给那个数据库进行赋值的,当前数据库,你执行命令当前所在的数据库将允许这个用户对数据库进行访问。 而如果你想拥有超级权限也很简单 alter user username superuser; 就可以获得你要的所有权限,为所欲为。
For fine-grained permissions management on Huawei Cloud resources, use Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create a user or user group and grant it specific operation permissions. For details, see Creating a User and Granting Permissions. Step 1: Buy an RDS for PostgreSQL DB Instance Go to...