postgres=# create user test with password'123456'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# create database testdb owner test; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# grant all privileges on database testdb to test; GRANT postgres=# \duList of roles Role name| Attributes |Member of---+---+---postgres| Superuser, Cr...
2.3 授权test用户拥有testDB数据库的所有权限(某个数据库的所有权限):慎重:后面的密码是demo用户的密码,不是root用户的 mysql>grant...授权test用户拥有所有数据库的某些权限: mysql>grant select,delete,update,create,drop on *.* to demo@"%" "1234"; //test用户对所有数据库都有select...
postgres=#createuser customer; CREATEROLE postgres=# grant connectondatabase postgres to customer; GRANT postgres=# \c postgres customer; You are now connected to database"postgres"asuser"customer". postgres=> postgres=> postgres=>\c postgres postgres You are now connected to database"postgres"a...
GRANTUPDATEONusersTOguanyunchang; 给所有用户查看权限 给所有用户查看users表的权限 GRANTSELECTONusersTOPUBLIC; 给用户所有权限 给所用户关云长user表所有权限 GRANTALLONusersTOguanyunchang; 6.2 回收用户表权限 REVOKEDELETEONusersFROMguanyunchang ;
craig=# CREATE USER craig WITH PASSWORD 'Password'; CREATE ROLE New user craig is created with password Password. Next step is to create a database and grant access to the user craig craig=# CREATE DATABASE pgguide; CREATE DATABASE
ALTER ROLEhq=# CREATE DATABASE test1_user OWNER test1_user;#创建数据库 CREATE DATABASE create schema test1_user; #创建模式 hq=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test1_user to test1_user; #赋予权限 GRANT CREATE TABLE test1_user111 ( ...
postgres=# ALTER USER sam CREATEDB; ALTER ROLE Note: Replace ‘sam’ with the user account you wish to grant privilege. Test if user ‘sam’ has enough privileges to create a database. [sam@openca ]$ createdb test [sam@openca ]$ psql -d test ...
通常情况下我们的AD环境是为企业内多个业务系统提供服务,在交付Citrix VirtualDesktop环境后,我们通常会...
You are now connectedtodatabase"jing_zhou"asuser"liubei". 2.4 修改库名 xishu=# alter database jing_zhou rename to new_jing_zhou; 2.5 删除数据库 xishu=# drop database new_jing_zhou; 3. 表操作 3.1 创建表 命令 CREATETABLEusers(IDINTPRIMARYKEYNOTNULL,nameCHAR(50)NOTNULL,mailCHAR(50),ph...
postgres=# create role user3 with login; CREATE ROLE postgres=# grant select on test_policy to user1,user2,user3; GRANT 创建安全策略: CREATE POLICY policy1 ON test_policy FOR SELECT TO PUBLIC USING (usr = current_user); --可以设置为使用函数,比如CREATE POLICY policy2 on test_policy for...