QUERY: select * from json_populate_recordset(null::message_row,msgjson) CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function get_jsonrows(refcursor) line 12 at OPEN *** Error *** ERROR: type "message_row" does not exist SQL state: 42704 Context: PL/pgSQL function get_jsonrows(refcursor) line 12 at OPEN ===...
CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONsave_student_addresses_json(v_array_json json)RETURNSjsonLANGUAGE'plpgsql'AS$$DECLARElv_row_json json;lv_length int;lv_field_student_id varchar;lv_field_address varchar;BEGIN--取得数组的长度 lv_length:=json_array_length(v_array_json);FORiIN0..lv_length-1LOOP--取得第 i...
Note:Thejson_typeoffunction'snullreturn value should not be confused with a SQL NULL. While callingjson_typeof('null'::json)will returnnull, callingjson_typeof(NULL::json)will return a SQL NULL. Note:If the argument tojson_strip_nullscontains duplicate field names in any object, the result...
(dLon * 180) / (a / sqrtMagic * cos(radLat) * pi()); dLat = (dLat * 180) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * pi()); ret :='['||dLon||','||dLat||']'; return ret::jsonb; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "...
A trigger function must return either NULL or a record/row value having exactly the structure of the table the trigger was fired for. 以plpgsql为例,触发器函数范例。 使用hstore 和触发器跟踪敏感数据的DML。 创建需要被跟踪的测试表 CREATE TABLE test (id int primary key, info text, crt_time ...
Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function date_format(timestamp without time zone, unknown) does not exist PostgreSQL没有date_format函数,用to_char函数替换。替换例子:// %Y => YYYY // %m => MM // %d => DD // %H => HH24 // %i => MI // %s => SS to_char(time...
函数式组件:我注意到每一个组件都是用一个函数(function)来定义的,在function的return种写出了要呈现的html元素和结构。 Props & State:一句话概括,props 是组件对外的接口,state 是组件对内的接口。组件内可以引用其他组件,组件之间的引用形成了一个树状结构(组件树),如果下层组件需要使用上层组件的数据或方法,上层...
//安装插件 CREATE EXTENSION plv8; CREATE EXTENSION plls; CREATE EXTENSION plcoffee; //定义函数并执行 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plv8_test(keys text[], vals text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ var o = {}; for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++){ o[keys[i]] = vals[i]; } return JSON.stri...
create or replace function 函数名(Name in type,Name in type,...)return 返回值类型 is或As 结果变量 数据类型; begin return (结果变量); end 函数名; 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.例子:计算指定员工的年薪 create or replace function f_yearsal(eno emp.empno%type)return number is res number(10); ...
json(3) android(3) 云数据库 Redis®(3) mvc(3) gcc(3) mvcc(3) block(3) class(3) crash(3) flush(3) freeze(3) header(3) heap(3) kill(3) lock(3) max(3) memcpy(3) min(3) point(3) record(3) return(3) schema(3) server(3) target(3) 并发(3) 测试(3) 工具(3) 框架...