/* Open up a cursor for loop, also selecting * the "p" function which will write rows to * t2 for every row fetched from t1. */ FOR crec IN (Select tcol, p(tcol) FROM t1) LOOP -- Break out of the loop immediately EXIT; END LOOP; END; / Select COUNT(*) FROM t2; 注意:%...
Loop until we obtain a tuple that * passes the qualification. * 主循环,不断获取可见的元组 */ for (;;) { TupleTableSlot *slot; CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* 根据不同的查询方式,获取一条可见元组 */ slot = ExecScanFetch(node, accessMtd, recheckMtd); /* * if the slot returned by the ...
CREATETABLEfoo (fooidINT, foosubidINT, fooname TEXT);INSERTINTOfooVALUES(1,2,'three');INSERTINTOfooVALUES(4,5,'six');CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONget_all_foo()RETURNSSETOF fooAS$BODY$DECLAREr foo%rowtype;BEGINFORrINSELECT*FROMfooWHEREfooid>0LOOP-- some processing belowr.foosubid=r.foosubid+...
dept_no_array[6]:= 40;executeformat('prepare stmt(numeric) as delete from emp where deptno = $1'); /* A Dynamic SQL String with a bind variable */ foreach c inarraydept_no_array[1:4] loopexecuteformat('execute stmt(%s)', c); -- 执行绑定SQL end loop; DEALLOCATE stmt;EXCEPTION ...
get_all_foo() RETURNS SETOF foo AS $BODY$ DECLARE r foo%rowtype; BEGIN FOR r IN SELECT * FROM foo WHERE fooid > 0 LOOP -- can do some processing here RETURN NEXT r; -- return current row of SELECT END LOOP; RETURN; END $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT * FROM get_all_foo()...
Example 2: Use Continue on PostgreSQL Table Let’s learn how to use a continue statement inside the loop to iterate over a PostgreSQL table; but first, use the following query to get the data from the “bike_details” table: SELECT * FROM bike_details; ...
exec_stmt_raise, pl_exec.c:2840 – after for each row 的触发器函数中NEW值(统一来自真正被影响的行数据), 与前一个after for each row触发器的返回值无关. (下例举证) – 当然这个NEW值也可以理解为(最后一个before for each row的返回值). INSERT 0 1 postgres=# select * from t_ret ; id ...
* 这与PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING的情况相同,因为可能需要触发触发器。将来它的行为可能更像PORTAL_ONE_SELECT。 * * PORTAL_UTIL_SELECT: the portal contains a utility statement that returns * a SELECT-like result (for example, EXPLAIN or SHOW). On first execution, ...
DO $$ BEGIN LOOP INSERT INTO http_request ( site_id, ingest_time, url, request_country, ip_address, status_code, response_time_msec ) VALUES ( trunc(random()*32), clock_timestamp(), concat('http://example.com/', md5(random()::text)), ('{China,India,USA,Indonesia}'::text[])...
unique_for_rels = 0x0, non_unique_for_rels = 0x0, baserestrictinfo = 0x0, baserestrictcost = {startup = 0, per_tuple = 0}, baserestrict_min_security = 4294967295, joininfo = 0x0, has_eclass_joins = false, top_parent_relids = 0x0, part_scheme = 0x0, npart...