PostgreSQL for in loop 模板是 FORvarINREVERSE1..10LOOP statement_list END LOOP; REVERSE 不知道什么意思…… 一般用的是 FORvarIN1..10LOOP statement_listENDLOOP; 如果是navicate for+tab出来的模板,需要自己手动定义值,不然是不生效的。 var是一个变量,它刚开始的时候是等于1..10中的1,可以对var进行...
for [循环计数器] in [REVERSE] [下限]..[上限] loop 代码; end loop; 2.例子: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PROC_FOR1 (a IN OUT INT) AS BEGIN FOR I IN REVERSE 1 .. a LOOP PRINT I; a:=I-1; END LOOP; END; call proc_for1(5); 结果: 5 4 3 2 1 四、REPEAT语句 1.语法: REP...
/* Open up a cursor for loop, also selecting * the "p" function which will write rows to * t2 for every row fetched from t1. */ FOR crec IN (Select tcol, p(tcol) FROM t1) LOOP -- Break out of the loop immediately EXIT; END LOOP; END; / Select COUNT(*) FROM t2; 注意:%...
BEGIN FOR my_msg IN SELECT 'Hello' AS message UNION ALL SELECT 'World' AS message LOOP PERFORM print_message(my_msg.message); END LOOP; END; $$; 这里的print_message函数用于在数据库日志中打印消息。FOR IN循环中的SELECT语句返回了两个消息,分别是'Hello'和'World'。在循环中,分别调用print...
FOR i IN array_lower(fields, 1)..array_upper(fields, 1) EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX ON products (' , fields[i][1] , ')'; ENDLOOP; 这样,我们就可以很容易地使用for循环创建新表并为每个字段创建索引。 总而言之,for循环可以帮助我们更加快速地完成一些复杂的任务。©...
从1开始到形参a2 FOR i IN 1..a2 LOOP 从100开始到形参a2 FOR i IN 100..a2 LOOP 当循环结束的时候要加上“end loop;”(注意不要少了分号“;”) 函数的调用: -- SQL 代码块 SELECTtest_for(array[1,4,5,6,7,8],6742) 循环一个可迭代对象,即对数组的遍历,分为三种情况,目前我还在学习中, ...
可能他们做了格式转化。没办法了只能又是我们前端操作了,牵扯价钱的太多了,很多时候又有for 循环,...
That’s all about using a “CONTINUE” statement in PostgreSQL. Conclusion In PostgreSQL, loops are used in the queries to perform single code/statements for multiple rows in the table. The continue statement can be integrated with the loop to skip the values that satisfy the condition mentioned...
Learn how HashiCorp and Intel collaborate to drive simplicity in the cloud for optimized workloads and infrastructure. The Role of DevOps Josh Hilliker, Chief Engineer at Intel, explores the role of DevOps and the infinity loop in helping manage cloud resources.View...
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