endTime :=to_char( startTime::timestamp+interval'1 year','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS'); strSQL :='CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '||TG_RELNAME||'_'||curMM|| ' ( CHECK('||time_column_name||'>='''|| startTime ||''' AND ' ||time_column_name||'< '''|| endTime ||'''...
If a database already has a table with the same name, then a "relation already exists" error will appear in Postgres. To avoid such a situation, PostgreSQL provides anIF NOT EXISTSclause that can be used with theCREATE TABLEcommand as follows: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tab_name( first_...
etm := to_char(stm::timestamp + interval '1 year', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss.ms'); sqlStr := 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '||TG_TABLE_NAME||'_'||yearStr|| ' ( CHECK('||colunmName||'>='''|| stm ||''' AND '||colunmName||'< '''|| etm |''' ) ) INHERITS ('||...
postgres=# \help create table Command: CREATE TABLE Description: define a new table Syntax: CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY | TEMP } | UNLOGGED ] TABLE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] table_name ( [ { column_name data_type [ STORAGE { PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN | DEFAULT } ]...
) showuseage exit 1 ;; esac done BAKUP_SQL=" create table if not exists pg_log_:bak_log_span as select :today::varchar(8) as bak_date ,* from pg_log where 1 = 2 ; delete from pg_log_:bak_log_span where to_char(log_time,'yyyymmdd')::numeric = ${BAKUP_DATE} ; insert ...
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ad_info( ad_code VARCHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY, parent_ad_code varchar(6), ad_level smallint, ad_name text ); /*县级以上行政区划代码信息可在民政部网站下载*/ INSERT INTO ad_info(ad_code,ad_level,ad_name,parent_ad_code) VALUES ('100000',0,'中华人民共和国',NUL...
);IFtableNum=0thenreturn'';endif;--columnstableScript:=tableScript||'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS'||'"sch_'||tenantid||'".'||tablename||'('||array_to_string( array(selectconcat( c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 )ascolumn_linefrom(select'"'||column_name||'"'||''||casewhendata_type=...
To create a table in a database, you need to execute theCREATE TABLEstatement using a PostgreSQL client such as psql and pgAdmin. We’ll show you step-by-step how to create theaccountstable using the psql client tool. First, open the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Unix-like ...
exampledb=> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_sample_table( exampledb(> id SERIAL, exampledb(> wordlist VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL ); 关键字SERIAL并不是一个数据类型。SERIAL是PostgreSQL 中的一个特殊的标记,它可以创建一个自动递增的整数字段。关键字VARCHAR是一个数据类型,表示限制内字符数的可变字符。在此例...
exampledb=> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_sample_table( exampledb(> id SERIAL, exampledb(> wordlist VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 关键字 SERIAL 并不是一个数据类型。SERIAL 是 PostgreSQL 中的一个特殊的标记,它可以创建一个自动递增的整数字段。关键字 VARCHAR 是一个数据类型,表示限制...