public static Set<String> getShardingTablesAndCreate(String logicTableName, Collection<String> resultTableNames) { return -> getShardingTableAndCreate(logicTableName, o)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * 检查分表获取的表名是否存在,不存在则自动建表 * @par...
(String tableName : tablesInOrder) { migrateTable(sourceConnection, targetConnection, tableName); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("迁移过程中发生错误:" + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static List<String> topologicalSort(Map<String, Set<String>> ...
重启pg(主结点执行) ansible -i /opt/test/etc/service/hostlist all -b -m shell -a "/opt/test/bin/shell/" ansible -i /opt/test/etc/service/hostlist all -b -m shell -a "/opt/test/bin/shell/" 1. 2. 修改pg密码(主从结点都要执行) /opt/test/sh...
has_table_privilege(user,table,privilege) 用户是否有访问表的权限 SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/RULE/REFERENCES/TRIGGER has_table_privilege(table,privilege) 当前用户是否有访问表的权限 SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/RULE/REFERENCES/TRIGGER has_database_privilege(user,database,privilege) 用户是否有访问数据库...
Table names Dynamic identifiers like table names and column names is also supported like so: consttable='users',column='id'awaitsql`select${sql(column)}from${sql(table)}`// Which results in:select"id"from"users" Quick primer on interpolation ...
as well as getting an overview of the monitored system configuration and tuning PostgreSQL and system settings on the fly. Also it provides tool to generate a detailed report on the hardware, operating system, memory usage and other parameters of the monitored system. List ofmamonsucommands and ...
-- helper SRF function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION show_partition_list() RETURNS TABLE ( parent REGCLASS, partition REGCLASS, parttype INT4, expr TEXT, range_min TEXT, range_max TEXT) AS 'pg_pathman', 'show_partition_list_internal' LANGUAGE C STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pathman_partition...
allow_system_table_mods,off,允许修改系统表的结构 application_name,pgAdmin 4 - CONN:5982631,设置要在统计信息和日志中报告的应用程序名称。 archive_command,./archivelog %p,设置将被调用以存档WAL文件的shell命令 archive_mode,on,允许使用“存档”命令存档WAL文件 ...
listvarchar;stmtTEXT;resultjson;begin-- 1. retrieve list of column names.dynsql1='select string_agg(distinct ''_''||'||colc||'||'' '||celldatatype||''','','' order by ''_''||'||colc||'||'' '||celldatatype||''') from '||tablename||';';executedynsql1intocolumnlist;...
These functions are fraught with perils when sequence names, column names, table names or schema names have funny characters such as spaces, punctuation marks, and the like. I have written this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sequence_max_value(oid) RETURNS bigint VOLATILE STRICT LANGUAGE pl...