也可以使用 postgresCatalog.listTables(defaultDatabase); Stream.of(tables).forEach(System.out::println); 列出所有函数...以一个简单的方法listDatabases为例:从元数据表pg_database中查询所有的tablename,然后去掉内置的数据库,也就是template0和template1,然后封装到一个list...,比如getTable方法,有些数据类型...
"idx_emps" btree (salary) List all tables in database along with some additional information # \d+ List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Size | Description ---+---+---+---+---+--- public | users | table | jarvis | 401 MB | (1 row) Describe a table with addi...
(options: S = show system objects, + = additional detail) \d[S+] list tables, views, and sequences \d[S+] NAME describe table, view, sequence, or index \da[S] [PATTERN] list aggregates \dA[+] [PATTERN] list access methods \db[+] [PATTERN] list tablespaces \dc[S+] [PATTERN]...
pg_read_all_settings | f | t | f | f | f | f | -1 | *** | | f | | 3374 pg_stat_scan_tables | f | t | f | f | f | f | -1 | *** | | f | | 3377 kongming | t | t | f | f | t | f | -1 | *** | | f | | 16404 (14 rows) 5.3 删除用户 d...
disabled - connector不会检查有无publication存在,如果publication不存在,则在创建connector会报错.filtered - 与all_tables不同的是,debezium会根据connector的配置中的table.include.list生成生成创建publication的脚本: CREATE PUBLICATION <publication_name> FOR TABLE <tbl1, tbl2, tbl3>。例如,本例子中,“table.in...
Theinformation_schemais a PostgreSQL schema available as per the SQL standards which contains a collection of views such astables,columnsetc. Thetablesview provides the information about all tables in DB. The above query will list all the tables from all the schemas of the current DB. But how...
3.2 查看table list 命令 xishu=# \d 输出 ListofrelationsSchema|Name|Type|Owner---+---+---+---public|users|table|liubei(2rows) 3.3 删除表 xishu=# drop table users; 4. 数据操作 4.1 插入数据 INSERTINTOusers(ID,name,mail)VALUES(1,'guanYu','guanyu@xishu.com'); 4.2 查询数据 xishu=#...
postgres=# select schemaname,relname,last_autovacuum,last_autoanalyze from pg_stat_all_tables; 17.查看所有数据库事务ID目前值 postgres=# SELECT datname,age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database ; 18.vacuum重置事务ID 需使用超级管理员登录PG,并使用超级管理员用户切换到重置数据库中,才能有效重置 psql postgr...
默认情况下,PLSQL Developer登录后,Brower里会选择All objects,如果你登录的用户是dba,要展开tables目录,正常情况都需要Wait几秒钟,而选择My Objects后响应速率则是以毫秒计算的 1、右键菜单 在PL/SQL Developer(下面简称PLD)中的每一个文本编辑窗口,如SQL Window,Command Window和Porgram Window,右键点击某个对象名称...
以表为例,基本的授权语法如下:GRANT privilege_list | ALL ON [ TABLE ] table_name TO role_name;其中,privilege_list 权限列表可以是 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE、TRUNCATE 等,ALL 表示表上的所有权限。例如,以下语句将 employees、departments 和 jobs 表上的增删改查权限授予了 tony 用户:...