...; String[] databases = tEnv.listDatabases(); Stream.of(databases).forEach(System.out::println); 列出来所有的...也可以使用 postgresCatalog.listTables(defaultDatabase); Stream.of(tables).forEach(System.out::println); 列出所有函数...以一个简单的方法listDatabases为例: 从元数据表pg_data...
-- namespace for the database you're currently connected to. blogdb=# select to_regnamespace('public')::oid; to_regnamespace --- 2200 (1 row) -- Now let's list all the tables, indexes, etc. that live in this namespace. blogdb=# select * from pg_class blogdb-# where relnam...
postgres=# \deu List of user mappings Server | User name ---+--- (0 rows) postgres=# \det List of foreign tables Schema | Table | Server ---+---+--- (0 rows) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1.3 创建服务 db01=...
postgres=# SELECT * FROM MyTest."MyUser".testtables; ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "otherdb.otheruser.sometable" LINE 1: select * from otherdb.otheruser.sometable 在PostgreSQL中,数据库在物理上是相互隔离的,对它们的访问控制也是在会话层次上进行的。然而模式只是逻辑上的对...
相当于mysql的use dbname postgres=# \c ambari You are now connected to database "ambari" as user "...列举数据库,相当于mysql的show databases ambari=> \l List of databases Name...(4 rows) 8.列举表 列举表,相当于mysql的show tables(当前已经在ambari数据库) ambari=> \dt List of relations....
postgres=# select schemaname,relname,last_autovacuum,last_autoanalyze from pg_stat_all_tables; 17.查看所有数据库事务ID目前值 postgres=# SELECT datname,age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database ; 18.vacuum重置事务ID 需使用超级管理员登录PG,并使用超级管理员用户切换到重置数据库中,才能有效重置 psql postgr...
database -> schema -> (tables, functions, views) 每个模式,表,视图,函数等只属于一个database。本章主要介绍每一种对象的常见用法。具体使用语法可以参见参考手册。 2、数据库 OushuDB在初始化完成后,会默认生成三个数据库,可以使用l命令查看,或者查看 ...
Spread the word using Twitter (please mention @Database_Lab!) or your social network of choice Consider translating the README.md to one or several languages you know Consider implementing one of the features that will make DLE better: see CONTRIBUTING.md and the list of "good first issues"...
postgres=# \detListof foreign tablesSchema|Table|Server---+---+--- (0rows) 1.3 创建服务 db01=# CREATE SERVER db02FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdwOPTIONS(host'', port'5432', dbname'db02'); CREATE SERVER db01=#db01=# select...
\l+ List databases with size, tablespace, and description To get additional information on the space consumed by database tables and comments describing those tables, use\l+: postgres=# \l+ \x Expand/narrow table lists Use\x(X for eXpanded listing) to control whether table listings use a ...