array_upper(places, 1) -- LOOP -- RAISE NOTICE '%', places[i]; -- single quotes! -- array_append(dummy, places[i]) -- END LOOP; RETURN QUERY select name from atlas_ins_th_travel_place where name in places; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; ...
To query array data with WHERE clause, we must have some data in an array type column. Therefore, we used the INSERT INTO instruction to add data in all three columns of table “Test”. To add data in an array type column “Marks”, we need to use the keyword ARRAY with data in i...
node-postgres似乎只使用绑定参数:client.query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = $1', [ id ]);如果我有一个已知数量的值(client.query根据数组中的项数动态构建查询模板,并将in数组扩展到查询参数数组中(在我的实际案例中,除了in列表之外,该数组还包含其他参数)似乎是不合理的负担。在<e ...
在上述查询中,your_table是包含整型数组的表,your_array是要检查的整型数组。如果数组中存在多个元素等于1,则返回匹配的行。 对于更复杂的条件,可以使用逻辑运算符(如AND、OR)结合ANY操作符来进行多个元素的检查。 关于PostgreSQL的数组操作和使用方法,可以参考腾讯云的产品文档:PostgreSQL 数组操作。 请注意,以上答...
RETURNQUERYEXECUTESQL 不要这么用 executesqlinto out;returnout;返回多行多列 也有多种方式 1. 使用 return next 和 setof record ,需要 for 循环 CREATEORREPLACEFUNCTIONfuncname ( in_idinteger)RETURNSSETOF RECORDas $$DECLARE v_rec RECORD; BEGINforv_rec...
由于 DuckDB 的string_to_array和unnest函数,展开非常简单。在 SQLite 中,它出乎意料地复杂。如果可能,我宁愿避免 SQL 递归。在这种情况下,ChatGPT 和 Claude 都指出了相同的解决方案,所以我勉强接受了。# duckdbwith names as ( select unnest(string_to_array(?, ',')) as name),# sqliteWITH REC...
Multiple inserts in one query If you need to insert multiple rows at the same time it's also much faster to do it with a singleinsert. Simply pass an array of objects tosql(). constusers=[{name:'Murray',age:68,garbage:'ignore'},{name:'Walter',age:80}]awaitsql`insert into users$...
hosts=("${hosts[@]//\"/}") hosts_dict={}#create dict from array (id:name)forhostin"${hosts[@]}"dohosts_dict[$(mamonsu zabbix --url=${ZABBIX_URL}--user=${ZABBIX_USER}--password=${ZABBIX_PASSWORD}host id"${host}")]=$hostdoneforkeyin"${!hosts_dict[@]}";doif[${key}-...
Use your existing PostgreSQL database as a vector database by generating embeddings from text stored in the database. Translation SQL query SELECTpgml.transform('translation_en_to_fr', inputs=>ARRAY['Welcome to the future!','Where have you been all this time?'] ...
{intid=resultSet.getInt("id");String[]skills=(String[])resultSet.getArray("skills").getArray();System.out.println("Employee ID: "+id);System.out.println("Skills: "+Arrays.toString(skills));}resultSet.close();statement.close();connection.close();}catch(SQLExceptione){e.printStackTrace(...