DROP SCHEMA myschema; #删除一个为空的模式 DROP SCHEMA myschema CASCADE; #删除一个模式以及其中包含的所有对象 CREATE SCHEMA schemaname AUTHORIZATION username; #创建一个由其他人所拥有的模式公共模式 创建的表都没有指定任何模式名称,默认情况下这些表(以及其他对象)会自动的被放入一个名为“public”的模式...
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA <schema_name> GRANT SELECT ON TABLES TO <user_name>;Step 2: Create a new Postgres source in Airbyte UIFrom...
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO limited_user; This command allows the credential to look up tables and other database objects within the public schema.GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO limited_user; This command allows the credential to run SELECT on any table, view, materialized...
v_schematext[]:='{public}'; v_new_ownervarchar:='yysg';BEGINFORrINSELECT'ALTER TABLE "'||table_schema||'"."'||table_name||'" OWNER TO'||v_new_owner||';'ASaFROMinformation_schema.tablesWHEREtable_schema=ANY(v_schema)UNIONALLSELECT'ALTER TABLE "'||sequence_schema||'"."'||sequenc...
relname in ( select tablename from pg_tables) ) select aa.table_catalog as "所属用户", aa.tableowner as "创建用户", aa.table_schema as "模式", aa.table_name as "表名", aa.table_comment as "注释" from aa 1. 2. 3. 4. ...
> I used a DBeaver to connect to postgres but it does not show all tables in > a schema. > > Can anyone shed light on this? Permissions? -- Angular momentum makes the world go 'round. Re: DBeaver does not show all tables in a Schema ...
Listen to changes on all tables in the public schema by setting the schema property to 'public' and event name to *. The event name can be one of: INSERT UPDATE DELETE * The channel name can be any string except 'realtime'. 1 const channelA = supabase2 .channel('schema-db-changes'...
14.1 pg_tables该视图提供了对有关数据库中每个表的有用信息地访问。名字 类型 引用 描述 schemaname name pg_namespace.nspname 包含表的模式名字。 tablename name pg_class.relname 表的名字。 tableowner name pg_authid.rolname 表的所有者的名字。 tablespace name pg_tablespace.spc...
Postgres schema name. The schema name supports regular expressions to read data from multiple schemas. For example,test(.)*indicates all schema names starting withtest. table-name Yes None String Postgres table name. The table name supports regular expressions to read data from multiple tables. Fo...
Compile the SQL needed to drop all tables. string compileDropAllViews(array $views) Compile the SQL needed to drop all views. string compileDropAllTypes(array $types) Compile the SQL needed to drop all types. string compileGetAllTables(string|array $schema) Compile the SQL needed to...