DROP SCHEMA myschema; #删除一个为空的模式 DROP SCHEMA myschema CASCADE; #删除一个模式以及其中包含的所有对象 CREATE SCHEMA schemaname AUTHORIZATION username; #创建一个由其他人所拥有的模式公共模式 创建的表都没有指定任何模式名称,默认情况下这些表(以及其他对象)会自动的被放入一个名为“public”的模式...
2.使用SQL命令来启用pg_cron扩展。 createextensionpg_cronwithschemaextensions;-- 默认 pg_cron 创建完成后,其配置数据以及任务执行只能由管理员用户进行设置。若需要其他用户进行 pg_cron 设置或者执行,则需要向其他用户授予 cron元数据库的权限,请运行以下命令。grantusageonschemacrontopostgres;grantallprivilegesona...
The PRIVILEGES key word is optional in PostgreSQL, though it is required by strict SQL. So you can basically use all for a particular schema that all the tables belong to. So grant all on all tables in schema "schema_name" to user should do it for you but you need to specify the ...
目前,我看到的唯一方法是将所有权更改为其他用户,例如postgres,然后只授予所需的权限: ALTER TABLE mytable SET OWNER TO postgres; REVOKE connect ON DATABASE mydatabase FROM PUBLIC; GRANT USAGE, SELECT, UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO dbuser; G 浏览0提问于2017-09-13得票数 3 回...
schemapublicto p2p_activity_r;WARNING:no privileges were grantedfor"public"GRANTp2p_activity=>grant select on all tables in schemapublicto p2p_activity_r;WARNING:no privileges were grantedfor"pg_stat_statements"GRANTp2p_activity=>ALTERDEFAULTPRIVILEGESINSCHEMApublicgrant select on tables to p2p_...
p_joinlist:连接项,即参与join的item,比如RangeTblRef 和 JoinExpr nodesp_namespace:表的名字集合,用于检查表名冲突p_target_relation:如果是update、delete、insert、merge操作的话,它们操作的是哪个表。 transformSelectStmt:生成Query,对于上面的sql,先调用transformFromClause,然后调用transformTargetList,最后调用...
default_tablespaceSets the default tablespace to create tables and indexes in. default_text_search_config,pg_catalog.english,Sets default text search configuration. default_transaction_deferrable,off,Sets the default deferrable status of new transactions. ...
UPDATE 2:Breaking down the select above, the role can't see any rows ininformation_schema.constraint_column_usage. It also misses a handful of rows in the other two tables (compared to selecting as the admin userpostgres) but they don't seem relevant. I tried grantingREFERENCESpermission bu...
"table.include.list":监听的数据表列表,以","分割。PostgreSQL要将表名写全,格式"."。如果没有特定的Schema,那么就是默认的public 下面为完成的curl命令: bash 复制代码 curl -i -X POST -H"Accept:application/json"-H"Content-Type:application/json"localhost:8083/connectors/ -d'{"name": "fulfillment...
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "test_1_prt_1000" for table "test" CREATE TABLE postgres=# \dt List of relations Schema | Name | Type | Owner ---+---+---+--- public | test | table | digoal public | test_1_prt_1 | table | digoal ... public | test_1_prt_1000...