Solve Postfix queue file write error Edit postfix nano /etc/postfix/ and set the message size limit to a higher value. E.g. message_size_limit = 900000000 and restart postfix: service postfix restart If there is no message_size_limit set in, just add the line....
If i use postfix-queue some times still got Out: 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error (tested 4 hours got 11 error) And does not have problem on GreyListings.. just working perfectly... Use parallels Plesk 9.3.0 on Centos 5.4 64bit Sc IgorG Plesk addicted! Plesk Certified Profess...
postdrop: warning: uid=0: Illegal seek send-mail: fatal: root(0): queue file write error Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 75 postdrop: warning: uid=0: Illegal seek send-mail: fatal: root(0): queue file write error Can't send mail: sendmail process failed with...
Solve Postfix queue file write error Edit postfix nano /etc/postfix/ and set the message size limit to a higher value. E.g. message_size_limit ... Read more Categories Email Tags ISPConfig 2, ISPConfig 3, postfix 4 Comments...
Feb 4 12:58:26 DPMail postfix/pickup[3381]: warning: maildrop/49A5D6C8000C: error writing 8E8B56C81020: queue file write error ===发送邮件时的日志===b 4 13:04:48 DPMail postfix/proxymap[3409]: error: open /etc/postfix/mysql/ Permission deniedFeb 4 13...
[26223]: warning: B8B82101DF6: sender_bcc_maps lookup problem postfix/pickup[25858]: warning: maildrop/82D57FFE93: error writing B8B82101DF6: queue file write error postfix/pickup[25858]: warning: B8E3C101DF6: message has been queued for 2 days postfix/pickup[25858]: B8E3C101DF6:...
resource— Informs the postmaster of undelivered mail due to resource problems, such as a queue file write error. software— Notifies the postmaster of mail not delivered due to software failures. This option correlates to thenotify_classesdirective, and defaults to reporting only problems that usual...
所有支持chroot的postfix进程,都可将它们的根目录改成queue_directory参数指定的子目录,这通常是/var/spool/postfix/pid目录,而且不能访问新根目录之外的文件系统。 除了pipe、virtual、local和proxymap之外的其他postfix服务器组件基本上都可以被chroot,只要将该组件在master.cf配置文件里的第五栏改成y即可。
# is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing command. # mailq_path =/usr/bin/mailq #配置目录,原文中是没有的,加入就可以, #但是前提是必须手动创建此目录,且把./conf中的所有文件复制进去, #它会在安装成功后会提示什么文件是没用的. config_directory = /etc/postfix ...
Is there any fix for the Queue write errors? Some articles talk about disk space being low on Var but this is not the case. Some say edit the conf file and change the timeout to 3600. Any pointers or thoughts on why it would suddenly start throwing the error and if so has anyone ...