Oct 26 02:54:27 localhost postfix/smtp[41094]: 99F4C23F008: to=<445335413@qq.com>, relay=mx3.qq.com[]:25, delay=110, delays=109/0/0.04/0.1, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host mx3.qq.com[] said: 550 Mail content denied. http://service.mail.qq.com/c...
relay=smtp.office365.com[]:587, delay=9.6, delays=0.01/0/9/0.59, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 <5525b84d.6PVA0r3rChf2lRe/%nagios@aus.ddb.com> [InternalId=20280835574078, Hostname=SIXPR04MB0462.apcprd04.prod.outlook.com] Queued mail for delivery) ...
[root@mail ~]# postconf -n > tmp.file [root@mail ~]# mv /etc/postfix/main.cf /etc/postfix/main.cf.bak [root@mail ~]# mv tmp.file /etc/postfix/main.cf 3.Postfix的日志文件 Postfix邮件服务的日志文件位于/var/log/maillog,该文件中记录了本机中的邮件进出相关的消息,包括邮件服务的启动,...
Within theactive queue, (multi-recipient) messages are broken up into groups of recipients that share the same transport/nexthop combination; the group size is capped by the transport's recipient concurrency limit. Multiple recipient groups (from one or more messages) are queued for delivery group...
250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 3B3C461E628E quit 221 2.0.0 Bye Connection closed by foreign host. You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root # mail Heirloom Mail version 12.5 7/5/10. Type ? for help. "/var/spool/mail/root": 5 messages 1 new 5 unread ...
1.2.1 postfix的邮件队列(mail queues) postfix有四种不同的邮件队列,并且由队列管理进程统一进行管理: 1. maildrop:本地邮件放置在maildrop中,同时也被拷贝到incoming中。 2. incoming:放置正在到达或队列管理进程尚未发现的邮件。 3. active:放置队列管理进程已经打开了并正准备投递的邮件,该队列有长度的限制。
-f = Flush the queue: attempt to deliver all queued mail. To view any emails that are in the queue, you can use the “postqueue -p” command, which is outlined in more detail on the article titled “View the Postfix mail queue“. ...
[root@mail ~]# chkconfig sendmail off [root@mail ~]# service saslauthd start [root@mail ~]# chkconfig saslauthd on 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.编译安装mysql-5.5.24-linux2.6-i686 1.1提供数据存放位置/mydata/data 新建用户以安全方式运行进程.建议把mysql安装在一个逻辑卷上,对数据的管理更加的方便。
SMTP>> MAIL FROM:root@mimvp-bj SIZE=3147 SMTP<< 250 Ok SMTP>> RCPTTO:yanggang@mimvp.com SMTP<< 250 Ok SMTP>> DATA SMTP<< 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> SMTP>> writing message and terminating “.” SMTP<< 250 Ok: queued as ...
SMTP>> MAIL FROM:root@mimvp-bj SIZE=3147 SMTP<< 250 Ok SMTP>> RCPTTO:yanggang@mimvp.com SMTP<< 250 Ok SMTP>> DATA SMTP<< 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> SMTP>> writing message and terminating “.” SMTP<< 250 Ok: queued as ...