1、Posterior region of upper limb,Regional anatomy of upper limb,Ling Shucai,Parts and regions,Scapular region 肩胛区 Posterior region of the arm 臂后区 Posterior region of the elbow 肘后区 Posterior region of the forearm 前臂后区 Dorsum of wrist and hand 腕背及手背,The Posterior Region of...
14. 200 term pregnant women were enrolled. The way of parturition was determined by comparing circumcircle area of posterior triangle of exitus pelvis with fetal head cross section area and traditional method. 选择200例正常足月妊娠的孕妇,用骨盆出口后三角外接圆面积与胎头横截面积比较的方法和传统的判断...
1.Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure. 2.Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the back of the body in humans and other primates. 3.BotanyNext to or facing the main stem or axis. 4.Coming after in order; following. ...
2、 Regional anatomy 局部解剖 Gluteal region 臀区 suprapiriform foramen and infrapiriform foramen 梨状肌上孔和梨状肌下孔 Popliteal fossa 腘窝 Posterior region of the leg 小腿后区 Ankle 踝区,Main contents,Surface anatomy,Surface Anatomy: Posterior Pelvis,Surface Anatomy: Posterior Leg,The superficial...
The skin glands in these regions are each surrounded by collagen walls forming a honeycomb-like structure. The collagen network in the head region firmly attaches to tiny pits in the bones of the skull. The two extremities of the body produce different secretions, containing exclusive molecules. ...
Edmund T.Rolls, inHandbook of Clinical Neurology, 2021 Posterior cingulate cortex: Higher functional connectivity with the lateral orbitofrontal cortex in depression Theposterior cingulatecortex is a region with strong connectivity in primates with theentorhinal cortexandparahippocampal gyrus(areas TF and TH...
We investigate the causal role of key nodes of the right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) in the forebrain attention network in sensitivity versus bias control. Two groups of participants performed a cued attention task while we applied either inhibitory, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (...
posterior glandular branch of superior thyroid artery posterior hepatic segment I posterior horn posterior hypothalamic area posterior hypothalamic nucleus posterior hypothalamic region posterior inferior cerebellar artery posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome ...
The basilar part of the occipital bone forms part of the posterior region of the base of the skull and is a thick quadrilateral plate of bone which, in the adult, is fused anteriorly to the body of the sphenoid bone (Figs. 5-1 and 5-2). Posteriorly, it forms the curved anterior bo...
The eight weak alleles show smaller deletions both in the thoracic and posterior abdominal region. In the weakest allele only part of the mesothorax is deleted. Three hb alleles produce a homoeotic transformation: superimposed on a strong or weak deletion phenotype, head or thoracic segments are ...