6.(Anatomy)anatomydorsal or towards the spine n 7.(Anatomy) the buttocks; rump 8.(Statistics)statisticsa posterior probability [C16: from Latin: latter, fromposteruscoming next, frompostafter] posˈteriorlyadv Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper...
For example, the lips are located on the anterior part of the head or the front. Also, fingertips are located on the anterior part of the hand due to the anatomical position. When doctors make medical diagnoses based on the location of an abnormality on someone's anatomy, they indicate ...
2021, Translational Research in Anatomy Citation Excerpt : Such tissue is provided to a great extent by the buccinator muscle and mucosa flap, without any raw areas on the donor site, and at the same time allows lengthening of the palate. Also, in cases of primary clefts with short and nar...
Muscle Chart (Anatomy Class) First semester 8個詞語 jessicacamacho074預覽 ch 47 structure function MS 老師20個詞語 hannaheckelberry預覽 Head and Neck Muscles (Function) 64個詞語 turnuppppp預覽 Action Potentials/Neurotransmitters in Neurons as well as Sensory Signals and Transmission 26個詞語 n336484預...
1.AnatomyAny of the muscular elastic tubes that form a branching system and that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body. 2.A major route of transportation into which local routes flow:Traffic was heavy on the central artery. ...
andfrontal sinusas well as the anterior superior lateral nasal wall and the posterior ethmoidal artery supplies the posterior ethmoidal sinuses and the septum. A clear grasp of thevascular anatomywithin the nose, allows for surgical planning in intractableepistaxis. Posterior epistaxis is thought to ...
Endoscopic anatomy of the postganglionic pterygopalatine innervation of the posterolateral nasal mucosa. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2011;1:113–117. 28. Konno A, Terata N, Okamoto Y et al. The role of chemical mediators and mucosal hyperreactivity in nasal hypersecretion in nasal allergy. J ...
Anterior prefrontal cortex: insights into function from anatomy and neuroimaging. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 5, 184–194 (2004). Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar ColeM, W., Ito, T. & Braver, T. S. The behavioral relevance of task information in human prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex 26, ...
4. (Anatomy) anatomy any of various groups of nerve cells in the central nervous system 5. (Astronomy) astronomy the central portion in the head of a comet, consisting of small solid particles of ice and frozen gases, which vaporize on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail 6. ...
A. Diagram of the incision; B. The black arrows head indicate the TCC, while the black arrows represent the flexor digitorum longus; C. Use an osteotome to resection the TCC; D. Expose the articular cartilage of the subtalar joint (black arrows); E. Hintermann K-wire distractor to open...