artery (redirected fromposterior cerebral artery) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Wikipedia artery,blood vessel that conveys blood away from theheart. Except for the pulmonary artery, which carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs, arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to th...
1. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for posterior cerebral artery infarction due to brain hernia; 脑疝性大脑后动脉梗死的高压氧治疗2. Posterior cerebral artery aneurysm on P_2 segment; 大脑后动脉第2段动脉瘤更多例句>> 2) Posterior cerebral artery occlusion 大脑后动脉闭塞...
18.Progression and Clinical Recurrence of Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis or Occlusion and It s Risk Factors;大脑中动脉狭窄或闭塞患者的危险因素分析及其预后随访观察 相关短句/例句 Posterior cerebral artery occlusion大脑后动脉闭塞 3)cerebral posterior communicating artery大脑后交通动脉 4)PCAI大脑后动脉区梗死...
OCCLUSION OF THE POSTERIOR INFERIOR CEREBELLAR ARTERY IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASEAbducens NerveHumansIntracranial AneurysmSubarachnoid HemorrhageParalysisNerve Compression SyndromesCerebral AngiographyAdultMaleCerebral vascular accidents may occur in any part of the brain, but it is common knowledge that the great ...
Anterior skull base neoplastic and vascular lesions can receive significant blood supply from the anterior and posterior ethmoidal artery. Although useful in preoperative embolization of middle meningeal artery branches, endovascular techniques for the occlusion of anterior ethmoidal artery expose the parent...
Occlusion of the posterior communicating artery mimicking cerebral aneurysm: case report. Neurol Res. 2003; 25: 543-545.Kawanishi M, Sakaguchi I, Miyake H: Occlusion of the pos terior communicating artery mimicking cerebral aneurysm: case report. Neurol Res 25:543-545, 2003...
19.Singular neurectomy (posterior ampullary nere transsection) andposteriorsemicircular canal occlusion are the 2 specific techniques used in intractable BPP surgery. 单纯神经切除术(后壶腹神经)和后半规管闭塞术是应用于难治性良性阵发性位置性眩晕
Google Share on Facebook posterior (redirected fromposterior palatal seal) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia pos·te·ri·or (pŏ-stîr′ē-ər, pō-) adj. 1.Located behind a part or toward the rear of a structure.
With temporary ICA occlusion in place, I mobilize the proximal and distal neck and dissect the portion of the neck turning away from my line of sight, ensuring that I can see where the neck turns around to form its medial border with respect to the wall of the ICA. This maneuver...
Abstract TP321: Real World Outcomes in Patients With a Posterior Cerebral Artery Occlusion With a Low NIHSS doi:10.1161/str.55.suppl_1.TP321Endovascular TherapyIntroduction:Observational studies have reported improved outcomes following endovascular treatment (EVT) for posterior cerebral artery (PCA) ...