Posterior cerebral artery occlusionMagnetic resonance angiography MRA一名六十二岁男性病人患有糖尿病及高血压,主诉双眼视力馍糊求诊.右眼视力0.3,左眼视力0.4.视野变化为疑左边同侧半盲.半年後,病人因严重视力障碍再求诊.两眼视力均为可辨手动.眼睛检查无法解释其视力变化.神经学检查无异常.核磁共振摄影显示一左边颞...
Bilateral infarction of the superior cerebellar arteries with sparing of the rest of the posterior circulation, particularly the posterior cerebral arteries, is an uncommon finding in neurological practice. Most commonly, the deficits of the superior cerebellar arteries and posterior cerebral arteries occur...
bilateral occlusion of posterior cerebral arteries Abstract: Remarkable changes in personality, emotion and behavior were observed in a 66-year-old female with bilateral infarction of the medial Inferior portion at the temporo-occipital region. Aggressiveness, emotional lability and indifference were noted...
Related to bilateral balanced occlusion:centric occlusion occlusion top: in a cold-front occlusion cold air moves under a mass of warm air and under the cool air in front bottom: in a warm-front occlusion cool air moves under a mass of warm air while riding over the cold air in front ...
Bilateral thalamic infarctions due to occlusion of artery of Percheron - ScienceDirect The artery of Percheron is an uncommon anatomic variant in which a solitary trunk originates from either posterior cerebral artery and provides arterial su... Hock Luen Teoh a,Aftab Ahmad a,Leonard L.L. Yeo ...
Reinhard M, Muller T, Roth M, Guschlbauer B, Timmer J, Hetzel A. Bilateral severe carotid artery stenosis or occlusion- cerebral autoregu- lation dynamics and collateral flow patterns. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2003;145:1053-1060.Bilateral severe carotid arterystenosis or occlusion - cerebral ...
We studied two patients with impaired visual perception and imagery caused by bilateral posterior cerebral lesions. The first had prosopagnosia and achromatopsia, and the imagery disorder involved the description of objects from memory, especially faces and animals, and colors of objects. The second had...
The posterior circulation was patent including the tip of the basilar artery and both posterior cerebral arteries, making the case compatible with occlusion of the artery of Percheron. Further evaluation with an aim to define the etiology revealed a patent foramen ovale as the cause of embolism. ...
DCA was assessed noninvasively by transfer function analysis (phase shift) of respiratory-induced oscillations at 0.1Hz of arterial blood pressure (Finapres method) and cerebral blood flow velocity (transcranial Doppler) in 30 patients with severe bilateral carotid stenosis (gtoreq75%) or occlusion. ...
Bilateral Thrombosis of the Posterior Cerebral Artery On examination she presented the following physical signs: (1) She carried her head with occiput inclined and rotated towards the right shoulder. The right shoulder was carried higher than the left. She walked on a wide base with a tende.....