Stage 1: consequences of disobedience Stage 2: blessings of obedience Stage 3: obedience pleases God while disobedience grieves God Stage 4: role as a child/servant of God and as a member of the community of faith Stage 5: unity of the community of faith Stage 6: consistency with the two...
5) self-discipline morals 自律性道德 6) auteronomous theory of morality 道德自律论 补充资料:议院的自律权 议院的自律权:宪法赋予代议机关的一种自决权,代议机关内部的组织结构和议事规则等由其独立决定,不受行政机关,司法机关及其他国家机关干涉的权力,例如,议长对议员的任免权,议院对其内部议会规则和组织规则...