There are more than 59,000 Taiwan Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map.
Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. There are more than 75,521 Taiwan Postcode in this website, including City, Area, Scope, Postcode, Road etc. plus with online map.
Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. This is the Postcode 24944 page list. Its detail City,Area,Road is as below.
Code Postal Ville:新北市 Ville Anglais:New Taipei City Zone:三重區 Zone Anglais:Sanchong Dist. Code Postal3:241 Code Postal3+3:241553 Post Office:三重郵局投遞股-大宗南 Adresse Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of...
City:新北市 City English:New Taipei City Area:新店區 Area English:Xindian Dist. Postcode3:231 Which addresses are contained in 23153? What postal code does Xindian Dist.(新店區) correspond to? Postcode3+2RoadScope 23153大榮路全 23153太平路全 ...
City:新北市 City English:New Taipei City Area:永和區 Area English:Yonghe Dist. Postcode3:234 Postcode3+3:234636 Post Office:板橋永和郵局郵務股-大宗07區 Address Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace ...
City:新北市 City English:New Taipei City Area:林口區 Area English:Linkou Dist. Postcode3:244 Postcode3+3:244008 Post Office:三重林口郵局-村08區 Address Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace the ol...
City: 臺北市 City English: Taipei City Area: 北投區 Area English: Beitou Dist. Postcode3: 112 Postcode3+3: 112023 Post Office: 臺北北投郵局郵務股-混投23段 Address Note : 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of...
City English:New Taipei City Area:中和區 Area English:Zhonghe Dist. Postcode3:235 Postcode3+3:235006 Post Office:板橋中和郵局郵務股-06區 Address Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace the old and ne...
City:新北市 City English:New Taipei City Area:深坑區 Area English:Shenkeng Dist. Postcode3:222 Postcode3+3:222001 Post Office:臺北木柵郵局-深坑01段 Address Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace the...