There are more than 59,000 Taiwan Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map.
Taiwan postcode will be upgraded to 6 digits in March 2020, adopting the 3 + 3 format. There are more than 75,521 Taiwan Postcode in this website, including City, Area, Scope, Postcode, Road etc. plus with online map.
City English:New Taipei City Area:新店區 Area English:Xindian Dist. Postcode3:231 Which addresses are contained in 23153? What postal code does Xindian Dist.(新店區) correspond to? Postcode3+2RoadScope 23153大榮路全 23153太平路全 23153永業路全 ...
Interactive map of zip codes in Taiwan. Just click on the location you desire for a postal code/address for your mails destination.Taiwan Latitude : 23.59829785Longitude: 120.835363138175 × +− Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributorsHow...
Taiwan area/telephone code and zip code, including Taipei, Kaohsiung, Keelung, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan
Zip Code for: 4-6F 156, Jiankang Road, Songshan District, Taipei, Taiwan
Shenkeng, New Taipei, Taiwan, China postal code 222 China Taiwan New Taipei Shenkeng 中国,台湾,新北市,深坑区 Postal code :222 District :Shenkeng (深坑区) City :New Taipei (新北市) Province :Taiwan (台湾) Phone Area Code :02 Latitude :25.002329 Lngitude :121.61567 Map :Google Map...
ZIP POST CODE ( is the world's well-known postal code query website, free global massive national city zip code, accurate to the country's cities, states, provinces, cities, counties and communities and rural areas of the zip code, latitu
City and postal code: Write in the same order. Postal codes in Taiwan are called area codes or ZIP codes and they are six-digit numbers. The set of first three digits signifies the township, district, or county and the next set is for additional address information. Example: YU CHI 5 ...