Services *** * 507 Mailer Services *** 10 2.0 Forwarding 2.1 Change-of-Address Order *** [Revise title and text of 2.1.4 to read as follows:] 2.1.4 Filing A customer may inform the Post Office of a change of ad- dress by using Form 3575 or other written or personal notice. ...
Data were analysed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Perseus version, Origin 8.5 and GraFit 7.0. Label-free quantification data analysis. LFQ experiments in MaxQuant were performed using the built-in LFQ algorithm63 enabling the 'match between runs' option (time window 2 min), and ...
Initial studies using a fluorogenic assay for NMT14showed that YnMyr in its CoA-ester form (YnMyr-CoA, seeSupplementary Methodsfor synthetic details) is transferredin vitroby both NMT1 and NMT2 to the N-terminal glycine of a model substrate peptide with comparable efficiency to the natural lip...